Wednesday, July 31, 2019

What problems are associated with trying to measure social class?

The main problem with trying to measure social class is that the term social class is most controversial. Therefore the way in which it is measured will vary according to how it is defined. Many theorists argue that the question of how to measure social class cannot be separated from the question of class-consciousness. Thompson believed that social class would only exist if there were class- consciousness. By this he meant â€Å"class is only class if you believe that you belong to a certain class†. What this meant was that individuals in the same class situation share a sense of their common interest, and thus think or behave in a similar manner. Whereas Marx believed that class was identified according to an individuals relationship to the dominant mode of production. He believed that the â€Å"two great classes† of a capitalist society were the bourgeoisie and the proletariat. The bourgeoisie were those who were the owners and controllers of the means of production ands the proletariat were those who only had their own labour power, which they were forced to sell in order to survive. This then leads to class inequalities, as the bourgeoisie will aim to maximise production with minimum costs. This would mean that the bourgeoisie make the proletariat work exceptionally hard and pay very little. Marx would argue that these economic inequalities lead to class inequalities. The main way in which individuals are allocated to their â€Å"social class† is via their employment position and the structure of employment has been divided up in various ways in order to generate them. This is know as the employment aggregate approach to class analysis. There are many ways in which class schemes that are available. One of the main schemes is the register general. This scheme has six categories, ranging from professional occupations to unskilled manual workers, which clearly show the hierarchy of occupations advantages and disadvantages. The register generals class scheme show support for Marxist theory of class inequality on the bases of economic factors. As he argued that class division does occur on the bases of the type of employment you are in and the register general's class scheme clearly reflects this. Marx would also go on to argue that those in the lower professions are unable to move up the class structure as it is not in the interest of the bourgeoisie, also they are not given the same life chances as the bourgeoisie, for example the education that those in the top professions receive is argued to be better than those in the lower professions. It has also been argued that even if social mobility does occur its is much harder for the working class to get to the top professions as they are faced with more difficult along the way. However there are a number of problems with using the register generals class scheme to define which social class an individual belongs to. This is because in order to gain the information to categories individuals into their social class the Government produce a census form, which the public must complete. However because it is a questionnaire there are many methodological problems associated with it. The main one being that the public may not be completely honest when completing the form, in fear of being judged or not wanting others to know their personal information. Also the census only requires a simple job description and not detailed information, this can not then be a reliable way in which to categories peoples occupational status. Another problem with using occupational scales to measure social class is that although a certain job may come under the heading of a manual worker the actual job it self may be highly paid and involve a lot of skill, but due to the fact the individual is doing manual work they would still be classified as working class. An example of this would be a builder, their job involves a lot of skill and is highly paid but it is still a manual job, therefore you would be considered working class. Another main problem with using the register generals class scheme is that there are many people who don't classify to any of the categories provided. For example domestic workers and employer don't figure in the scale therefore how can they be allocated to a certain class. Another method for measuring social class is on cultural and political factors. What is meant by this is that the type of lifestyle you lead is a measure for what social class you fit into. For example if an individual wears designer clothes such as Gucci and drives a fashionable car then they would be consider to be middle or even upper class, due to their lifestyle. However if an individual was to elect Labour in the public election then they would be considered to be working class as they are believed to be a working class political party. The problem with using this measure of social class is that it is very subjective and to what one individual would define as middle class another may define as working class. Also another problem is that although a person may have the lifestyle of a middle class person e. g. expensive clothes etc they may have a working class job and therefore work extremely long hours in order to live a life similar to the middle class. Another problem with class measurement is the gender factor, although many theorist consider the topic of class to be gender neutral, it has been argued by many that this is not the case. It has been argued that the class structure for men differs from women's due to employment opportunities. It was not until recently that women were actually able to do the same jobs as men and get equal pay. Therefore this would cause problems when measuring women's class position, because although they were working their income was fairly low compared to men doing the same job. Therefore a man and women who doing similar jobs were unlikely to be measured at the same social class if the cultural method was being used. However if they using the employment aggregated method they would be the same social class. This therefore shows the some of the problems with the different methods available. The other gender problem is that until recently women were not able to get the highly professional and powerful jobs therefore would not have been considered as middle class unless there husbands job was middle class. However once women were able to get the higher positioned jobs their employment still had little effect on the families social position because it was always the males employment that was used even if it was lower than the women's. Therefore having considered the different measures that are available to measure social class I believe that it very difficult to measure a persons class position on just the bases of either their occupation, cultural or political factors. This is because I don't believe a person occupation does necessarily indicate which class a person belongs to. This is because although a person may have a professional job there wealth in terms of assets may be very low. Also an individuals may have a classification of a professional job but their status within that job may be low, that's why I feel that Goldthorpe's class scheme is a more accurate than the register generals. Having brought this discussion to an end I believe that in order to accurately measure an individuals social class position all three dimension should be measure (economic, political and cultural) as this would give a more valid social class position.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

My Life as a Superhero Essay

I just want originality, I want to be different from the people around me. The conventional life – go to school, go to college, be a nurse like the other cousins, get married, be a good Catholic wife with three children and be completely conformative – never once appealed to me. The ability to become superhuman, to be able to go down in history for making a difference, that’s the kind of life I want. Whether it be by musical impact or donating six billion Euro to charities, I want to be different, I want to be me – but in superhuman form, I’d have all my little quirks and mannerisms but with another side, a side that inspires people, that would make people want to be better. Lately I’ve been pondering the subject of superheroes. Everyone has their favourite – mine is caught between Batman and Thor – and I think everyone at some time has fantasized about being one. I know I have, and so often do. Of course, unlike Batman, who uses cunning, strength, battle experience and a strangely cool mental make-up to his advantage, or uses his ‘mind over matter attitude’, if you prefer. I’m thinking that having superpowers might be one of the requirements of the job. Unfortunately, most of the powers that are of interest to me, especially the ability to bend space, stop time and invisibility, have been taken. What’s a fledging superhero to do? I flirted with shape shifting or the ability to manipulate the weather. I thought about being able to communicate with animals, but other than being very Dr. Doolittle-ish, how would that come in handy when trying to save the world? It wouldn’t. No, it would have to something formidable, something to strike fear through the veins of my enemies. So, after much thought, I’ve decided that I want to be able to transform myself into any element, wind, rain, fire, the Periodic Table, whatever, which I think would really come in handy as a superhero. It could also cause some problems, which is perfectly fine, because most superheroes are flawed  in some way and their powers can often be a curse to them. I don’t want to be any exception, a perfect life would be too boring for me. Being able to change into any element would not only be a cool power to show off, but it would be extremely practical too. If someone is shooting at me, I can turn myself to iron and not only dodge the bullets being shot my way, but bounce them back. If I’m being chased I can quite conveniently turn to steam and drift away. The same practicality applies if I want to sneak into a room. I’d just turn to smoke and go through the keyhole. And if I need to escape a sticky situation I can stand above a sewer grate and turn to water, reconstituting when I hit the pool below. There are no limits to how useful a tool this could be. Being able to transform myself like this makes me almost invincible†¦ †¦Which could be a problem. It may be too perfect. My powers would have to have a flaw. For instance, maybe I can only retain my transformation for a certain amount of time, say five minutes. Maybe I frequently find that messy circumstances only get messier because she can’t retain her powers, who knows, I could probably end up utterly unable to use them at all! I would eventually learn that, like the Force of Star Wars fame, my powers could grow through time, practice and training. Like any dedicated student, I would constantly be working at skills she doesn’t quite understand. Maybe I would find a Yoda-like mentor to help me control and strengthen my powers. I also need to take into consideration just how many elements I could transform into. It may be interesting to be able to run the Gambit (The most epic X-Man there is!) of the metals; it could be fun to turn into titanium, although the consequence could easily be that I only live a half-life or something like that, which sounds problematic. But it would certainly add to the fabric of my life. I may never have to turn to anything but myself, but I could change if I wanted to. Practicality states that it would have to be a solid element and nothing colourless, odourless or tasteless; what good is it to become hydrogen? At first glance you might also think there would be no practical reason to transform into halogens or any of the Noble Gasses. But, come to think of it, if I wanted to light up a dark alleyway I could just turn to neon. Of course, I don’t actually turn to neon. Maybe my body just starts to glow brightly. Of course, I would have to have a back story. I would have to explain how I discover my powers. You just don’t wake up one day made of superhero-material. Perhaps I’m a physicist. Maybe it’s night and I’m working in the lab alone. Maybe there’s an accident and an explosion sends a white-hot fireball right towards me. Unable to move in time I instinctively turn to iron, saving me from the flames rushing harmlessly by. In the aftermath I lie on the floor, gazing in amazement and disbelief at my metallic body. This is interesting, I think before I quickly return to my human form. But I’m shook at what just happened, not comprehending whether it actually really happened. Later, when realizing that I actually had turned to metal, I decide to test my newfound powers, perhaps by thinking of helium. Curiously, my body doesn’t inflate like a balloon, but begins to levitate, gently lifting me excitingly skyward until I am level with the ceiling. Then the powers suddenly vanish and I crash to the floor below. Hmmm, maybe I’m on to something here†¦ My mam and I have discussed this theory at length, coming up with stupid names like ‘Elementary’ and such but we never really came to a final decision, I suppose I’d have to just let the people decide what to call me. Honestly, I can’t help but fantasise over this topic all day long but in the end I always come back to the same statement: â€Å"If it’s meant to be, wait. It will happen.† So I suppose I’ll just keep on waiting!

Effects of Junk Food

Junk Food Sucks Eating  junk food  can have a significant impact on one's health. Though many people enjoy eating  junk  food  and think it tastes great. The term â€Å"junk  food†Ã‚  typically refers to foods that are relatively high in caloric content, but low in nutritional value. Junk  food  is often high in sugar, salt, white flour, and fat. A few examples of foods often considered to be  junk  food  include fast  food, sweets such as ice cream, candy, donuts, and prepackaged treats, soda, and  potato  chips, among many others.The effects of eating too much junk food are lower energy levels, can weight gain  and led to illness and diabetes. The first effect of  eating  junk  food  is its impact on energy levels. Many people skip breakfast or other meals throughout the day, choosing instead to grab a quick snack or a soft drink. The junk  food  causes energy levels to spike, which people like, but then energy levels will quickly dr op, sending one back into the kitchen for another quick snack.The high levels of sugar in junk food puts your metabolism under stress; when you eat refined sugar, your pancreas secretes high amounts of insulin to prevent a dangerous spike in blood sugar levels. In addition,  junk  food  can cause moodiness, and make it difficult to get enough sleep at night, so energy levels are never restored to normal. (Junk Food) Second effect from eating junk food is weight gain.People who eat a lot of  junk  food  tend to gain weight quickly, which can lead to obesity over time; this extra weight then has an impact on the health of the rest of the body. It can raise  cholesterol  and blood pressure, contributing to  heart disease. The high levels of fat and sodium in junk food can cause high blood pressure or hypertension. Excessive dietary sodium can also have a negative effect on renal function, even leading to kidney disease. High levels of dietary fat lead to poor cognitiv e performance.You'll feel tired and have trouble concentrating because your body might not be getting enough oxygen. (Nutrition) Third effect of eating too much junk food is Diabetes. Over time, the high levels of sugar and simple carbohydrates in junk food can lead to type 2 diabetes. This occurs because eating too much sugar puts your metabolism under stress; when you eat a lot of refined white sugar and simple carbohydrates, your body has to pump up insulin production to prevent a dangerous spike in blood sugar levels.Because junk food doesn't contain the protein or complex carbohydrates that your body needs to maintain consistent blood sugar levels, your blood sugar levels will drop suddenly soon after eating. You'll crave sugar and likely end up eating more junk food. Over time, this stress damages your body's ability to use the insulin secreted by your pancrease. A healthy diet can help maintain your body's insulin sensitivity. (Nutrition) When the body does not get proper nut rition, it can become difficult to concentrate.It can also cause depression. Keep all of these health  effects  of  junk  food  in mind before  eating anything; a healthy diet can lead to greater energy levels, improved mood and concentration ability, weight loss, and decreased risk factors for heart disease and diabetes. Though  junk food  may be easy and fast, its health impacts are too great to ignore. Work cited â€Å"Fast Food Nutrition† Fitday. com Tuesday, January 22, 2013 B, Miller. â€Å"Effects of Junk Food† Wisegeek. com Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Monday, July 29, 2019

The New Testament and its influence on Homosexuality Term Paper

The New Testament and its influence on Homosexuality - Term Paper Example The Bible is a religious scripture and is the foundation of Christianity around the world. Bible ‘s new testament has laid down certain principles regarding the human lifestyle, ethical and moral standards one need to follow to prove to be god – loving person. Considering homosexuality, one can see that Bible points it to be a most abominable sin. Homosexuality is in no way regarded as a favorable sexual activity by Jesus or other prophets. Primarily, it is Moses who did condemn homosexuality and categorized it as a capital crime. Apart from him, Apostle Paul considered homosexuals worthy of death penalty. Even though homosexual behavior was seen among people of Bible era, these were practiced secretly,Homosexuality was seen as a social taboo and people looked at them as sinners and atrocious personalities.The New Testament specifically accepts a marriage between a man and a woman as a perfect sexual union. It is detestable to engage in sexual activity with same sex peop le as it is against God and nature. Bible recommends that by natural selection men are supposed to unite with women and anything against it is sin and unspiritual behavior. There are of evil nature and does not fit into the category of law – abiding citizens.Homosexual acts are considered to be extremely shameful according to Bible and these individuals are observed as immoral and sinners. The homosexuals were seen as indulgers of sin and were given death penalty or other punishments which were heinous. Homosexual acts are seen as ritual transgression and their blood is interpreted as guilty. Not only Bible, even Hebrew scripture view homosexuality as abomination. Both the parties involved in this unnatural act are given punishment without excuse. As prisons were absent in those days, capital punishment was the answer to all despicable crimes. It is described how Gods hate homosexuals and it is classified as a practice completely against natural law of God. 2â€Å"Whether or not a person accepts what the Bible says concerning this subject, he will have to

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Climate change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Climate change - Essay Example After that, the volume and pattern of warming that is been recorded, cannot be described by these factors alone. Studies shows there's a lot greenhouse gases (GHGs) emitted by humans that speeded up the causes of climate change. This evidences includes glaciers have melted and retreated dramatically, ocean acidification, oceans are getting warmer, and wild climates such as hurricanes and typhoons. Driving cars, deforestation of tropical forests, the emissions of gases from fossil fuel power plants and the increase habit of using chemical fertilizers on agricultural land are some the great factors the contribute the global warming. Levels of GHGs have gone up and down but it stays constant for thousands of years. Scientist usually use the term â€Å"climate change† instead of global warming because Earths average temperature rises and ocean heat spread around the globe cools some areas and on the other hand warms others. Below shows the illustration on the effect of climate cha nge. Studies also show that the Greenland ice is thinning. Some fear that the melting of ice sheet in Greenland could dramatically increase the sea levels. Ice also acts as a solar reflector. Less ice means the less heat reflects. For what we understand in oxygen and carbon dioxide cycle is that, the oxygen we breath comes from plants while human and animals produces carbon dioxides in which plants needed to produce their own food. With the growing industry for wood and paper products and with the use of forest for fuel, contributes to the mass deforestation around the globe. With less forest and a large volume of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, it contributes to the increasing temperature of earth. Typhoon Ketsana is one of the devastating typhoons that hit the Philippines last 2009.Flood water levels reached 6.1 meters. Affected residents were sent on their rooftop for refuge. Typhoon Ketsana killed 246 people in the Philippines and 32 in Vietnam. The typhoon Ketsana has becom e the focus of marathon discussion of climate change all over the world. Experts say that it is an example of climate disaster which poor nation, such as Philippines could face in warmer world. Below is a picture of victims of typhoon Ketsana Another man-made cause of global warming is the increase of human population. More people indicate more foods. That means more methane because more burning of fuel from transportations and power plants. Since more people needs more foods we have to raise food. Cattles is a good example of food. One source of methane is manure. This means more manure and more methane produced in the atmosphere. Global climate debates continue. Some also believes that global warming is a natural cycle and not caused by human. It is a natural process caused by volcanic eruptions, sun spots, changes on Earth orbit or the Earth changes towards the sun. Some also believed that the cause of increasing temperature in Earth is the activity of sun itself. The star which is at the center of solar system is getting warmer. Some experts also say that if we sum up industrial pollution of mankind, it is only just like a few volcanic eruptions For thousands of years, increasing temperature and the melting of glaciers has been observed. Whether the result is due to greenhouse gases or the sun’s natural cycle, we cannot deny the fact the temperature is rising. Whether global warming is man-made or not we can do something about it. Other ways saving Earth

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Describe the structures and regulatory mechanisms essential for both Essay

Describe the structures and regulatory mechanisms essential for both quiet and heavy breathing - Essay Example As diaphragm contracts and moves down, the chest cavity is enlarged reducing lung pressure. Air moves in to equalize the pressure. When the diaphragm relaxes, it moves back to its original position pushing air out due to the increased pressure in the chest cavity. In heavy breathing, many other muscles are involved. During the inspiration process, the lower ribs are raised up and out by the external intercostal muscles. The process increases lateral as well as anterposterior proportions of the thorax. Sternomastoids and the scalene muscles also aid the process by helping raise and push the sternum and the upper ribs2. This creates a pressure gradient which draws air into the alveoli. Unlike quiet expiration which is predominantly passive, heavy expiration requires the functioning of several muscles. The most important muscles here are the ones making up the abdominal wall. They include the internal and external obliques and the rectus abdominus. The transverse abdominus also plays a role in the process. These abdominal wall muscles raise the intra- abdominal pressure by contracting3. It results in the pushing up of the diagram. The upward movement raises the pleural and alveolar pressure thus driving air out. The ribs are also pushed down and in during heavy expiration by the internal intercostals. The breathing rate is controlled by the respiratory center in the brainstem. It is responsible for sending signals to the various respiratory muscles thus dictating when to breathe. The spinal cord is directed to maintain breathing by the medulla4. A part of the brain called the pons, located near the medulla, is key in smoothening the breathing and respiration pattern. Synchronization occurs between the involved neural centers and the muscle movement in order to ensure smooth breathing. The control occurs automatically and continuously. One

Friday, July 26, 2019

The self-esteem movement has caused young people to overvalue their Essay

The self-esteem movement has caused young people to overvalue their actual skills and has set many of them up for disappointmen - Essay Example 1). In considering this argument, it is important to note that studies have revealed that only about 12% of fourth graders are reading at grade level; and telling young learners that they are beautiful and gifted has not necessarily translated to higher test scores or better spelling skills (Colvin, p. 1). For which reason, various scholars have emphasized that the self-esteem movement has not achieved ideal goals for the students and for the educational system in general. It has instead gone too far in crediting children and other young people with skills which would not get them through the harsh realities of life. The self-esteem movement has also created an illusion for many young learners. It has overblown their self-concept and has seemingly given them more than a healthy dose of self-esteem. In other words, the movement has given them a bloated self-concept which seems to skate closely towards egotism and self-centeredness. This may be apparent in the case of bullies who have been â€Å"discovered to highly rate themselves in their academic performance and interpersonal relationships, and typically hold unrealistically positive self-esteem† (Tseng, p. 24). College professors also note that while citing spelling and grammatical errors, their students often claim that it is just the professor’s opinion. And these professors emphasize that wrong grammar and wrong spelling is not merely an opinion – it is just really bad writing (Jayson). Moreover, in assessing the different interests and values of teenagers and young learners, a survey was able to establish that when teenagers were asked about their biggest issues to date, one of their main issues is on "whether or not to have sex" and another concern is on their "popularity" (Psychauthors, p. 4). They expressed little concern for other issues like global warming, war, or politics. As compared to their parents' generations, these teens appear to display more self-confidence and self-est eem; but these qualities have not translated to happier and healthier teens. In fact, depression among teens seems to register at higher rates now than in the 1960s or 1970s; and not to mention, the number of teens suffering from eating disorders, anorexia and bulimia, have risen to alarming rates over the years (Psychauthors, p. 4). These numbers hardly express major gains in instilling improved self-concepts for young people; and if their academic gains were to be assessed, these show hardly any improvement at all. The self-esteem movement was conceptualized in order to give young learners the psychological tools to ward off bullies and other people who may underestimate their capabilities. These goals are to be admired; however, the overall impact that the movement has had on young people cannot be considered as major gains which can be used in the outside world. In the classroom, the movement emphasized that even if children made multiple grammatical and spelling mistakes in the ir schoolwork, these should be overlooked because it might damage their self-esteem (Jayson). However, as many of these young learners enter college where the merit system is based on strict and realistic standards, they often break at the slightest

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Rise and Fall of the Hyksos in the Egyptian Civilization Research Paper

Rise and Fall of the Hyksos in the Egyptian Civilization - Research Paper Example Their power was enhanced every time any Asian force entered Egypt, whom they greeted as allies . Hyksos were declared to be a large force, and managed to invade Egypt without much resistance. They were able to accomplish this because they took advantage of a time when the dynasty of Pharaohs was nearing its end, and the Pharaoh had no son to succeed him. They crushed the ruling regime, and burnt the cities and temples to the ground. The natives were treated brutally, and some were even made slaves. Finally, they appointed a member of their army, Salitis, as king and established a new city called Ausaris . The Hyksos ruled in a period which is commonly known as the Second Intermediate Period, in which the Asians were known as ‘Aamu’ by the locals. The Fifteenth Dynasty (1663-1570 BC) is usually assigned to these Hyksos kings. The Hyksos, started by ruling the eastern Delta, and later they spread their power to the middle and southern parts of Egypt. During the Second Inte rmediate Period, Egypt was in a state of turmoil, as opposing groups were rising from different areas. Among these emerged two strong leaders, the Hyksos kings, ruling from their capital Avaris, and the Theban Dynasty. During their rule, the Hyksos kings continued to attack the southern region, in order to gain control over the Theban Kingdom, which they eventually managed to do but for a short time period. The ethnic origins of the Hyksos have always been a controversial topic. There is plenty of evidence to support that they were from Palestine, as their culture was very similar to that of the last stage of Middle Bronze Age II from the Syro-Palestinian region. But there are also indications of Mesopotamian culture in the Hyksos kingdom. Objects such as composite bows and chariots used by the Hyksos, were part of the Mesopotamian civilization. But it was odd that these objects were of the old design when used by the Hyksos, as compared to the new ones which were being used in Meso potamia at the time. Thus, it can be concluded that the Hyksos were not directly influenced by the Mesopotamians3. The Hyksos were grand builders and craftsmen, and their method of governance was almost similar to that of the Egyptians. Although the Hyksos brought a few of their gods when they invaded Egypt, they also displayed respect to the idols of the Egyptian natives, some of which also became a part of their own religion. Egypt already had various interactions with the forces from Asia. These included several wars and trade to a certain extent; therefore it would not be startling to notice that mix cultures did exist in different areas in Egypt at that time. The Hyksos belonged to the Semitic tribe who gained control of Egypt from the leaders of the Second Intermediate Period, which took place after the 13th Dynasty. Their names largely come from the West Semitic languages and there also have been hints that these people were Hurrian. It is difficult to verify the origins of t hese people in Asia, and at Tell el-Dab'a, as their culture was not steady, but kept on changing. According to one theory, the local Egyptians allowed, settlers from the region of Lebanon and Palestine to settle down on their lands. The leaders of these settlers gradually established matrimonial relations with the local Egyptians. This is supported by the fact that foreign features of the Hyksos at Tell el-Dab'a have been excavated at sites to the south of Palestine such as Tell el-Ajjul, at the Syrian site of Ebla and at Byblos in modern Lebanon. Hence, the Hyksos ended up ruling Egypt mainly because of the the huge number of Asians who travelled to

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

To compare and contrast representation of class in two media texts Essay

To compare and contrast representation of class in two media texts - Essay Example Set in a post-industrial society era (early 1900's), Titanic depicts the wide gulf that existed between the bourgeoisie (the first major industrialists of our age, e.g. among the main characters in the First class berth, it included a "Pittsburgh Steel tycoon, the owner of the fleet that commissioned Titanic and the nouveau riche e.g. a character called Molly Brown) and the proletariat who sell their labour power (the stokers in the boiler room, menservants and most steerage passengers depicted as people who harbour dreams of emigrating to the USA to better their lives). The differences lie everywhere, from the treatment meted out to passengers based on their class, from the snobbish upper-class attitudes and stereotypes about steerage passengers, to the final sinking of the ship where upper class passengers invariably, enjoy first privilege in rescue efforts. Where it concerns applying class theories, there's hardly a more monumental movie ever built than Titanic. Notting Hill in comparison, is a humble and subtle portrayal of the same class sensibilities with a modern, urban twist. It's about similar attitudes in question here, only the message is more indirect and attributive. Both movies are immensely popular in their own right, and hold a special place in the genre of Romance cinema. So inevitably, in this paper, we shall explore class depiction in media through the perspective of the universal theme called "Love", of opposites attracting, poor guy meets rich girl, and how class differences come in the way of their strong craving for each other. The most significant work on class studies was performed by Karl Marx, a famous German philosopher, along with Engels. It is important to know that Marxist class theories drew heavily on the political science beliefs of Adam Smith, the father of capitalism, the only difference being in the perspective of opinion. Whereas Smith justified his theories on "wealth creation" as a cause for the common good, Marx looked down upon it as the root cause of all evil. Seen from this end, we can apply class theories of Marx to connect audience sensitivity with the poor male protagonists in both movies, as must have been aimed by the moviemakers. The fundamental tenet of Marx class theory is that any class identity is forged in relation to means of production, of wealth (Wikipedia). That because of wealth creation, there exist two distinct classes, the bourgeoisie (those who control means of production), and the proletariat who must labour in order to survive. This, Marx argues is the fundamental reason for all class differences to originate. Since the proletariat

MKT Assignment 01 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

MKT Assignment 01 - Essay Example Bob Iger has set an example of excellent leadership along with Steve Jobs and Hervey Weinstein. These diversifications involved purchasing Pixar, Miramax and now recently Marvel. What makes this deal a major eye-opener is the change in Disney's outlook as an entertainment studio for young children. Where, acquisition of Marvel introduces Disney to a more mature market which involves teenagers and adults as well. Analysts see the deal in a very positive light as both companies have very popular brands and are equally established. It also brings much curiosity how Disney plans to bring Marvel characters and mix with Disney characters, or make their presence in Disney theme parks and movies. This article explains an excellent example of a tactic in in global market entry strategies which is mergers and acquisitions. Although Marvel and Disney belong to similar national boundaries, their global reach makes them indifferent to culture differences and national boundaries. The article first highlights previous marketing ventures such as acquiring Pixar animated studios, which brought out a more flourishing output for market of younger children such as, Toy Story and Finding Nemo. Bob Iger then took a major step of acquiring Marvel Entertainment which is also an indirect competitor of Disney. There were two things that motivate Bob Iger to make a more risky decision. Firstly, Pixar made four releases since acquisition from Disney that grossed $ 2 billion in worldwide ticket sales. Secondly, Marvel made a major success from the movie Iron Man, increasing their market value through popularity. This popularity allowed marvel to sell off at a significant premium market price, a benefit which would not have come without major successes such as Iron Man and X-Men. The article highlights a major example as to how companies assess valuation before striking a major business deal. One of the possible challenges in international marketing of Disney comes from their target market. The attributes of Disney's market is young and below or early teenage compared to Marvel and this may clash with Disney's existing brand image as an entertainment production only for children. Disney may choose to take both companies separately, showing no sign of any link between brands of either company, but the acquisition brings immense opportunities. Acquisition of Marvel will allow Disney to reach out to a larger market under their domain without affecting its own brand image. Speculations claim that Disney may also take the opportunity of taking characters from both the companies and bring out more creative combinations in their coming movies, which projects enormous profits with as much risk. The article concludes however, this is a win-win approach for both the co mpanies as it not only broadens their opportunities for future movies but the benefit of sharing resources for future productions. Global market entry strategies also aid in competing with rival companies, such as in this case, Time Warner. Time Warner however made a major merger with AOL which now makes them the world's largest media and entertainment conglomerate, owing to its large number of subsidiaries. Two of many AOL Time Warner subsidiaries are Warner Bros. Entertainment and DC comics which are direct competitors of Disney Entertainment and

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Secularism in British Society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Secularism in British Society - Essay Example For centuries in Britain, monarchs ruled by Crown and Church. There is also the belief that the pope is the god on earth and must have supreme authority over the state. The pope has the right to depose the king throughout the ages. Around the year 1900, English people believed in social progress. "Public drunkenness became rare and alcoholism ceased to be an accepted fact of private life. Literacy became nearly universal, sanitation and diet improved at every level of society. People put great effort into staying clean, and governments built infrastructure that enormously increased the availability of water to common people. Wages nearly doubled in a generation"(Himmelfarb and Knopf 1995). Britain was so powerful empire with colonies. She was rich commercially as well as in military. It was the era of rapid industrialization and urbanization. On the second half of 19th century, Britain was on the verge of "moral and social collapse". The country was in chaotic condition. Himmelfarb and Knopf noted that "society was riddled with class and racial prejudices that most people today would find gruesome." There was economic crisis, poverty, ignorance and diseases. Crime was so common that they even have to transport criminals to other state such as Australia. Furthermore, "cities were growing in an almost unregulated fashion as the impoverished peasantries were driven off the land." The government was so corrupt even making the parliament as the tool of aristocratic factions. There was a sense of moral degradation in the state. Many professed to be Christians yet denying its true essence. Poor workers were asked to work for long hours at low wages. The society was separated from the religious world and religion becomes a personal matter. The idea of the sacred that was long a tradition was lost. People were increasingly concerned on achieving worldly things for personal gains. Secularization has progressively pervaded Britain. Theocracy ceased to have influence or authority on the Englishmen's social and political life. Religion lost its role in shaping political and social policies. It has become even irrelevant to the lives of ordinary people. Levels of Christian observance are even becoming lower than they used to be. The good "Victorian values" people used to follow were viewed as despotic and hypocritical, and gathered too much intellectual reaction. This cultural change could be traced back to the age of enlightenment. It was the era of philosophy and intellect as well as scientific and cultural development that promoted reason as the prime source and rightful for authority. It gradually created a crisis of faith in Britain. Some of these newly-bred philanthropists were non-believers. Some liberal churches rejected some traditionally known doctrine such as the doctrine of Hell. There was widespread absence at churches, which they normally do every Sunday.

Monday, July 22, 2019

ASQ Agile v Waterfall Essay Example for Free

ASQ Agile v Waterfall Essay Waterfall vs. Agile Project Management Lisa Sieverts, PMP, PMI-ACP Phil Ailes, PMI-ACP Waterfall vs. Agile Project Management Agenda †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ What is a Project Overview –†¯ Traditional Project Management –†¯ Agile Project Management The Differences –†¯ Product Life Cycle –†¯ The Teams –†¯ Requirements –†¯ WBS/Product Backlog –†¯ Schedule –†¯ Risk –†¯ Quality QA 2  ©Lisa Sieverts Phil Ailes 1 Waterfall vs. Agile Project Management What is a Project? †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ Temporary †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ Goal †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ Constrained 3  ©Lisa Sieverts Phil Ailes Waterfall vs. Agile Project Management What makes projects special? †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ Projects are characterized by uncertainty 4  ©Lisa Sieverts Phil Ailes 2 Waterfall vs. Agile Project Management Traditional Waterfall Projects †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ Traditional Waterfall Projects –†¯ Dates from the end of WWII –†¯ Grew out of Defense industry –†¯ Based on Deming Cycle of Plan-Do-Check-Act –†¯ Emphasizes heavy up-front analysis –†¯ Lots of documentation –†¯ PMBOK versions 1-4  ©Lisa Sieverts Phil Ailes Waterfall vs. Agile Project Management Traditional Waterfall Project High Medium Requirements Low Optional High Design Medium Low Optional High Development Medium Low Optional High Testing Medium Low Optional High Deploy Medium Low Optional 6  ©Lisa Sieverts Phil Ailes 3 Waterfall vs. Agile Project Management Waterfall Advantages 7  ©Lisa Sieverts Phil Ailes Waterfall vs. Agile Project Management Waterfall Advantages †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ Established Processes- Project Management Body of Knowledge †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ Management Controls †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ (Apparent) Predictability †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ Great for low uncertainty/high dependency projects –†¯ Construction –†¯ Update of established product –†¯ Maintenance projects 8  ©Lisa Sieverts Phil Ailes 4 Waterfall vs. Agile Project Management Waterfall Disadvantages 9  ©Lisa Sieverts Phil Ailes Waterfall vs. Agile Project Management Waterfall Disadvantages †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ Sometimes is more about the Process than the Product †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ Keeps the customer at bay – by the time they see the end results it may be too late †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ Project teams often become rigid and resistant to change: â€Å"Those darn users keep changing their minds.† †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ Long product development time 10  ©Lisa Sieverts Phil Ailes 5 Waterfall vs. Agile Project Management Agile Project Management †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ The Agile Way –†¯ Experiments in the 1990s –†¯ Values self-organizing teams –†¯ No formal â€Å"project management† –†¯ Iterative approach –†¯ Flexible  ©Lisa Sieverts Phil Ailes Waterfall vs. Agile Project Management Manifesto †¢ The Agile Manifesto for Software Development –†¯ â€Å"We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do it. Through this work we have come to value: †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ Individuals and interactions over processes and tools †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ Working software over comprehensive documentation †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ Customer collaboration over contract negotiation †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ Responding to change over following a plan –†¯ That is, while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more.† 12  ©Lisa Sieverts Phil Ailes 6 Waterfall vs. Agile Project Management The Agile Way Sprints – High Priority Features Integrate Test Sprints – Low Priority Features Integrate Test Integrate Test Design Test Test Develop Integrate Test Demo Feedback Develop Requirements Test Test Develop Sprints – Optional Priority Features Demo Feedback Requirements Design Test Design Test Demo Feedback Develop Requirements Test Demo Feedback Requirements Design Test Sprints – Medium Priority Features 13  ©Lisa Sieverts Phil Ailes Waterfall vs. Agile Project Management Agile Advantages 14  ©Lisa Sieverts Phil Ailes 7 Waterfall vs. Agile Project Management Agile Advantages †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ Shorter development cycles †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ Customer participates, providing direct feedback †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ Team-ownership – developers, testers, analysts and customers work together †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ Process encourages and easily adapts to change †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ Improved quality because testing is continuous 15  ©Lisa Sieverts Phil Ailes Waterfall vs. Agile Project Management Agile Disadvantages 16  ©Lisa Sieverts Phil Ailes 8 Waterfall vs. Agile Project Management Agile Disadvantages †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ Lack of established processes †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ Management resistance to change †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ Reduced (apparent) predictability †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ Requires culture change †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ It’s new – there isn’t a lot to draw upon 17  ©Lisa Sieverts Phil Ailes Waterfall vs. Agile Project Management Project Life Cycle †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ Traditional: waterfall –†¯Initiate –†¯Plan –†¯Define –†¯Design –†¯Build –†¯Test †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ Agile Projects: iterative –†¯Envision –†¯Speculate –†¯Explore –†¯Adapt –†¯Close –†¯Repeat as necessary 18  ©Lisa Sieverts Phil Ailes 9 Waterfall vs. Agile Project Management The Team †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ Waterfall –†¯Sponsor –†¯Product Manager –†¯Project Manager –†¯The Team – defined roles †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ Agile –†¯Sponsor –†¯Product Owner –†¯Scrum Master –†¯The Team – variable roles 19  ©Lisa Sieverts Phil Ailes Waterfall vs. Agile Project Management The Requirements †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ Waterfall –†¯ Large Document –†¯ Formal, based on analysis –†¯ Performed by Business Analyst –†¯ Completed before any development begins †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ Agile –†¯ Small Index Cards –†¯ User Stories, based on conversation –†¯ Performed by the Product Owner –†¯ Completed â€Å"just in time† 20  ©Lisa Sieverts Phil Ailes 10 Waterfall vs. Agile Project Management The Foundation Documents †¢ Waterfall –†¯ Work Breakdown Structure 100 % of Scope 21  ©Lisa Sieverts Phil Ailes Waterfall vs. Agile Project Management The Foundation Documents †¢ Agile –†¯ The Product Backlog Roman Pichler, Agile Product Management 22  ©Lisa Sieverts Phil Ailes 11 Waterfall vs. Agile Project Management The Schedule †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ Waterfall –†¯ Built before work begins –†¯ End date is often †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ Agile –†¯ Rebuilt every sprint –†¯ End date evolves based on team velocity –†¯ Focused on nearterm accuracy –†¯ Emphasizes regular delivery of working features predetermined –†¯ Strives to predict the future –†¯ Emphasizes delivery of the entire product 23  ©Lisa Sieverts Phil Ailes Waterfall vs. Agile Project Management Risk †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ Waterfall –†¯ Inherently high-risk based on long product cycles –†¯ Emphasizes the ability to predict the future –†¯ Risk Register †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ Agile –†¯ Inherently low-risk based on customer feedback –†¯ Emphasizes adaptation to changing environment –†¯ Risk Register 24  ©Lisa Sieverts Phil Ailes 12 Waterfall vs. Agile Project Management Quality †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ Waterfall –†¯ Testing is at the end †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ Agile –†¯ Testing begins before development of the project –†¯ Testers work separately from developers –†¯ User Acceptance occurs at the end of the project –†¯ Testers and developers work together simultaneously –†¯ User Acceptance occurs at end of every sprint 25  ©Lisa Sieverts Phil Ailes Waterfall vs. Agile Project Management What’s Different? †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ Waterfall –†¯ Plan all in advance –†¯ Work Breakdown Structure –†¯ Functional specs –†¯ Gantt chart –†¯ Status reports –†¯ Deliver at the end –†¯ Learn at the end –†¯ Follow the plan –†¯ Manage tasks †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ Agile –†¯ Plan as you go –†¯ Product Backlog –†¯ User stories –†¯ Release plan –†¯ Story boards –†¯ Deliver as you go –†¯ Learn every sprint –†¯ Adapt everything –†¯ Team ownership 26  ©Lisa Sieverts Phil Ailes 13 Waterfall vs. Agile Project Management Summary †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ Both Waterfall and Agile have the same goals: –†¯ Delivering a well- tested product that satisfies the customer within an efficient time frame that doesn’t leave the team worn out 27  ©Lisa Sieverts Phil Ailes Waterfall vs. Agile Project Management Questions 28  ©Lisa Sieverts Phil Ailes 14 Waterfall vs. Agile Project Management Thank You 29  ©Lisa Sieverts Phil Ailes Waterfall vs. Agile Project Management Contact Us †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ Lisa Sieverts –†¯ Facilitated Change –†¯ –†¯ 603.762.0235 †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ Phil Ailes –†¯ Ailes Consulting –†¯ –†¯ 603.903.7051 30  ©Lisa Sieverts Phil Ailes 15

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Issues Of Forest Fires Environmental Sciences Essay

The Issues Of Forest Fires Environmental Sciences Essay In the 21st century, influences of forest fires from demographic rapid changes, increase in human activities and unpredictable change in climate have become a crucial environmental problem in the ecosystems of the Southeast Asia region. It has unfavorably affected the natural environment and has put to risk the sustainable development as well as the management of resources (ADB, 2001). Indeed, haze pollution has been seriously affecting Indonesia and its neighboring countries due to the extensive burning of forests that arises in almost every year in Indonesia during the last 25 years. In 1997-1998, the global community raised its awareness on the critical conditions of constant haze and burning of forests. The occurrence of forest fires continued over long periods of time since the year 1998. The worst circumstances happened during 2001 and 2002 where the forest reserves and plantation areas of Riau province, West and Central Kalimantan and Sumatra burned. These corresponding areas were also affected by forest fires in 2003. The widespread forest fires happened in Sumatra and Kalimantan during March-July 2004 led to the increase of air pollution in Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei, and especially in Indonesia. To determine the extent of burning is by knowing the extent of deforestation in Indonesia given that it is greatly caused by fire and not the destruction through spraying of chemicals. Estimates on the loss of forests have been compiled since 1985 and is evident in the report of World Bank in 2001. According to the reports, beginning at 1985 to 1997, the range of forest cover has been reduced from 119 million hectares to approximately 100 million hectares. The forest fires happened in 1997 to 1998 desolated 1.7 million hectares in Sumatra, 6.5 million hectares in Kalimantan, 1.0 million hectares in Irian Jaya and 0.4 million hectares in Sulewesi, and brought about air pollution in Indonesia and its neighboring countries. From the given information on the annual loss of forests during 1985 to 1997, it is expected that the forest lands in Indonesia is now just over 90 million hectares from 1.7 million hectares. Causes of forest burning The sources of forest burning in Indonesia are divided into three groups: traditional cultivators, small scale investors, and large scale investors. The most long-lived source of forest burning is the subsistence and semi-subsistence traditional cultivators. Some of these are the inactive farmers who burn their small lands after harvest in order to kill the pests or weeds and also to refresh the soil to be used for planting. Others are known as the shifting cultivators who practice the common slash and burn methods to empty a small plot of the forest for crop cultivation. The second source of forest burning is the pioneer and migrant farmers. These farmers are given the authorization to acquire several hectares of forested land for them to clear by burning and of course to plant commercial tree crops. The third source of forest burning is the timber and palm oil plantation companies. Timber plantation companies first select trees of commercial value for cutting in an area and then the other remaining trees and bushes are burned in order to make way for the planting of trees that grow much faster and are used for commercial purposes. The oil plantation companies also apply the similar process of forest burning in order to create widespread palm oil plantations. The Indonesian government grants these companies of additional land concessions because these sectors such as logging and palm oil companies contribute significantly to the external trade of the Indonesian economy and thus provides a major source of foreign revenue. Apart from the three main sources of forest burning, there are other factors that contribute to the forest fires. These are political, economic, physiographic, sociocultural, and institutional factors as well. The most important of these are the policies and institutions. According to the Asian Development Bank (2001), lack of political will, inappropriate and poorly specified policies, weak legislation, ambiguous regulations, bureaucratic procedures, land-use conflicts, and inadequate resources for enforcement of laws and regulations were again and again crucial and crippling constraints. Harmful effects of forest burning It has indeed proved by the international environmental and health organizations that forest burning and air pollution have serious destructive consequences. The harmful effects are both seen in the areas of burning and in other areas and countries far from the fires (Jones, 2006). These impacts have several dimensions- economic, environmental, ecological, social, and others that may be onsite and offsite, direct or indirect (ADB, 2001). It is widely considered that the most serious effect of forest burning has been on public health, particularly as a result of people breathing in pollutants from burning of forests. Inhaling the smoke from the fires result in respiratory ailments such as upper respiratory tract infections, bronchial asthma and decrease in lung functioning. Also, it is evident that the smoke has serious effects on the skin and on the cardiovascular system. According to the estimations made by the Friends of the Earth in 1997, the haze has already claimed the lives of 19 people in Indonesia and over 40,000 people have been hospitalized. Up to 70 million people across the region are being affected, and health experts have warned that up to 20 % of all deaths in the region could be caused by the smog. Furthermore, press reports in June 2003 stated that thousands of people admitted to hospitals in Central and Kalimantan complained on breathing difficulties as well as eye irritation, while in 2004, health clinics and hospitals on the island of Sumatra mentioned that several patients seek for medications on respiratory problems. Forest fire impacts have also affected the social welfare through the displacement of communities, loss of income sources, and decreasing livelihood opportunities (ADB, 2001). Another serious effect of forest burning has been on climate, agriculture and bio-diversity. Further decrease in rainfall combining with effects of El Nino and decrease in sunlight that affected the photosynthesis of plants are due to the smoke brought about by forest burning. Besides this, forest burning has also led to soil erosion and flooding that ultimately reduced the productivity of agriculture. Furthermore, the Indonesian rain forests are home to a wide variety of plants and animals where in some of these are rare or endangered. According to the World Bank and Friends for the Earth, as a result of widespread forest burning, it has threatened the lives of numerous rare or endangered species. Forest fires also contribute to the global climate change and warming due to its greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere. These harmful effects, definitely, have detrimental economic and financial impacts on Indonesia and its neighboring countries. Evidently, the costs of these impacts include loss of forest timber, reduced agricultural production, losses resulting from soil erosion, medical expenses caused by ailments directly related to the haze, increased proneness to pests and diseases, need for new investments in forest rehabilitation and fire protection measures, costs arising from disruption to air travel and transport, and decreased revenue from tourism (ADB, 2001; Jones, 2006). It also had serious impacts on the means of livelihoods of indigenous people and it threatened the ability of the poor to improve their lives (ASEAN STRATEGY). According to the estimations made by the Asian Development Bank, the incident during the 1997-1998 alone cost the people and the Indonesian government around US$8.9 to US$9.7 billion. Linkage between climate change and social development Undoubtedly, the major impacts and threats of transboundary haze pollution that can contribute to climactic change are widespread. The most vulnerable to haze pollution (or climate change) are the poor because of the inability to adapt and recover to certain changes due to low income and limited access to basic services and needs. Also, the areas that they live in are highly exposed to natural hazards and are linked with their sources of income such as agriculture and forestry which are known to be climate-sensitive sectors. That is why it is necessary to come up with an immediate action. One solution is the need for adaptation where it is a process through which societies make themselves better able to cope with an uncertain future. It calls for taking the right measures to reduce the negative effects of transboundary haze pollution (or climate change) by making appropriate adjustments and changes. There are several options and opportunities to adapt such as technological options, b ehavior change at individual level and early warning systems for extreme events. As a result of the speed at which change is happening, it is important that the vulnerability of Indonesia and other neighboring countries to haze pollution (or climate change) is reduced and their capacity to adapt is increased and national adaptation plans are implemented. Although adaptation to haze pollution (or climate change) is essential and is considered as an urgent priority, the affected countries have limitations that make adaptation difficult. These limitations are human capacity and financial resources. The major barriers for adaptation are the lack of funding in various forms and difficulties in accessing the funds which are available. In order for these affected countries to understand the impacts and vulnerabilities of the issue, as well as facilitating better policy decisions and management, it is necessary for research and training to be included in adaptation. However, these affected countries still face difficulties in incorporating concerns regarding the haze pollution into national policies because of lack of resources and institutional capacities. Despite the difficulties, in order for effective adaptation measures to work, the stakeholders must consider integrating the issue of haze pollution in all levels of decision making espec ially in planning and budgeting. Objectives The purpose of this paper is to present a framework analysis in such a way that it will be applied to the social issue being discussed, specifically the transboundary pollution in Southeast Asia. The framework tool to be used will be based on the polycentric approach in order to enhance policy actions regarding the widespread haze pollution in Indonesia and other affected neighboring countries. Also, one of the objectives of this paper is to discuss the stakeholders using the stakeholder analysis wherein it will identify the people, groups, and institutions involved that will influence the issue positively or negatively. Throughout the paper, included in the objectives, still, is to come up with a conclusion based on the analysis and recognize the failures that the framework tool was not able to elucidate. Finally, it also aims to give recommendations for the improvement or success of the issue. Stakeholder Analysis Secondary Stakeholders Stakeholders Interest(s) in the issue Assessment of Impact Influence of the group Global Agencies -World Bank, IMF, UNDP, UNEP, WHO, WMO, UNICEF Adaptation measures on haze pollution Prevention of haze pollution across the globe High High Regional Organizations -ASEAN, APEC, ADB Prevention of haze pollution in Indonesia and affected countries particularly in Asia High High Concerned institutions -health care, environmental protection, schools, religious organizations, charitable institutions Prevention of haze pollution Low Medium Concerned nongovernmental institutions -emergency associations (e.g. Red Cross, Medicins sans Frontieres) -Development NGOs -Environmental NGOs Prevention of haze pollution Low Medium Primary Stakeholders Stakeholders Interest(s) in the issue Assessment of Impact Influence of the group Victim State governments -Singapore, Brunei, Malaysia Indonesia -relevant central government agencies (Health, Environment, Tourism) -local authorities (agencies representing small farmers) Increase in response capacity on haze pollution Prevention of widespread haze pollution Adaptation measures High High Victim Industries -tourism recreation -airlines -ancillary industries Prevention on widespread haze pollution Medium Low Low-income groups; farmers; minor forest users Increase in adaptive capacities High Medium Culprit state governments -Indonesia -central government agencies (agricultural, environment) -regional/provincial agencies -local authorities (agencies representing small farmers) Decrease in source of foreign revenue High High Culprit Industries -Forestry -Palm oil -ancillary (e.g. haulage) Decrease or loss in plantation business Medium Medium III. Analysis Framework of Analysis The framework to be used on the social issue of haze pollution in Indonesia is the polycentric approach. According to Ostrom (2010), polycentricity is a useful analytical approach for understanding and improving efforts to reduce the threat of climate change. Furthermore, polycentric implies the independence of many centers of decision making to each other. These centers of decision making take each other into account in competitive relationships, engage in all manners of contractual and cooperative projects or aid in to central mechanisms to resolve conflicts and various political jurisdictions and function in an organized manner to which consistency and predictable patterns of interacting behavior are involved. Rather than a monocentric unit, polycentric systems are characterized by multiple governing authorities at differing scales. Each unit within a polycentric system exercises considerable independence to make norms and rules within a specific domain (such as family, a firm, lo cal government, a network of local governments, a state or province, a region, a national government, or international regime)(Ostrom, 2010). Participants involved in this system have the advantage to use local knowledge and learning from other sectors who are engaged in trial and error process. Problems identified with non-contributors, local tyrants and inappropriate discrimination can be addressed and major investments made in new scientific information and innovations when larger units get involved. Polycentric systems are believed to have considerable advantages because of their mechanisms for mutual monitoring, learning and adaptation of better strategies. This system also enhances innovation, learning, adaptation, trustworthiness, levels of cooperation of participants, and the achievement of more effective, equitable, and sustainable outcomes at multiple scales, even though no institutional arrangement can totally eliminate opportunism with respect to the provision and production of collective goods (Ostrom, 2010). Through this framework tool, adaptation measures and prevention of haze pollution in Indonesia and its neighboring countries would be much easier to be implemented because of its ability to solve such problems in a collective manner that includes all its stakeholders rather than focusing only on one central stakeholder.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Endogenous And Exogenous Antioxidants Benefits

Endogenous And Exogenous Antioxidants Benefits Despite the usefulness of oxidation reactions to life, it could also cause a great harm to humankind. Human beings have body that generates free radicals very continuously and these are always produced from the oxidation reaction that constantly takes place in living cells. Apart from the radicals that results from oxidation, some other ones are generated from immune cells to combat bacteria and viruses and also from ingestion, inhalation, and or absorption from our immediate environment during burning by sun or ultraviolet rays. Damage caused by free radicals includes aging, destruction of DNA and clogging of arteries. It is also believed that free radicals may play a role in cancer, strokes, and heart disease. Oxidative stress may also damage or kill cells. Free radicals cause damage to skins structural support and decrease its elasticity, resilience, and suppleness. Antioxidants stop the chain reactions of free radical, and inhibit other oxidation reactions. An antioxidant is a molecule capable of inhibiting the oxidation of other molecules. There are two types of antioxidants: exogenous and endogenous. Exogenous antioxidants are antioxidants we get from our diet and endogenous antioxidants are made by our bodies. Endogenous antioxidants repair free radical damage on the inside by initiating cell regeneration; exogenous antioxidants repair some free radical damage from the outside on in by stimulating cell regeneration. The role of endogenous and exogenous antioxidants Exogenous antioxidants are antioxidants we get from our diet by eating antioxidant-rich foods and by taking supplements. Some well known examples of exogenous antioxidants are vitamins A, C and E. Even though exogenous antioxidants can be obtained from food sources, in our modern day world it is nearly impossible to get enough exogenous antioxidants from our diet to neutralize all of the free radicals generated. This is why antioxidant supplementation is so vital. Endogenous antioxidants are made by our bodies. Because they are produced by our own bodies and not obtained from food sources, endogenous antioxidants are far more potent than exogenous antioxidants. Endogenous antioxidants repair all of the free radical damage by initiating cell regeneration from the inside on out, whereas, exogenous antioxidants only repair some of the free radical damage from the outside on in by stimulating (not initiating) cell regeneration. There are five extremely powerful endogenous antioxidants. They are: Glutathione (GSH), Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA), Superoxide Dismutase (SOD), Catalase and Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10). Unfortunately, the bodys production of endogenous antioxidants declines as we age. For example, our glutathione levels decline about 10-15% per decade as we grow older. This decrease in endogenous antioxidants is found to be a strong factor in contributing to premature aging and degenerative diseases. There is more than enough studies to verify that by increasing our endogenous antioxidant cellular levels, such as our glutathione levels, we can greatly help prevent many age-related health issues and degenerative diseases like Diabetes, Alzheimers, Cancer, Heart Disease, and many other health concerns. (Curr Cardiol Rev.2008 Nov; 4(4):259-68.) (Kaneto et al, 1999) Sources of Antioxidants All plants produce antioxidants. Even meat, dairy products, and eggs contain some antioxidants, which mainly come from the nutrient-rich plants the animals fed on. Plants and animals maintain complex systems of multiple types of antioxidants, such as glutathione, vitamin C, and vitamin E as well as enzymes such as catalase, superoxide dismutase and various peroxides. Antioxidants protection against diabetes Diabetics have high levels of oxidative stress, which basically means too many free radicals and not enough antioxidants to neutralize them. It would be beneficial for anyone suffering from Diabetes to increase their antioxidant supplementation. Glutathione, being the master antioxidant, would naturally be the best choice. Furthermore, inflammation leads to and contributes to insulin resistance. Glutathione, on top of being the most potent antioxidant, is also a powerful ant-inflammatory. Increasing evidence in both experimental and clinical studies suggests that oxidative stress plays a major role in the pathogenesis of both types of diabetes mellitus. Free radicals are formed disproportionately in diabetes à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.Abnormally high levels of free radicals and the simultaneous decline of antioxidant defense mechanisms can lead to à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.development of insulin resistance. These consequences of oxidative stress can promote the development of complications of diabetes mellitus. (Wiley 2003) à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦there is evidence for increased oxidative stress in diabetesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.With regard to diabetes, antioxidantsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦supplementation have been shown to be beneficial. Thus, it appears that, in diabetes, antioxidant therapy could alleviate the increased attendant oxidative stress and emerge as an additional therapeutic modality. (Vega-Lopez et al, 2004) Researchers at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) School of Medicine have discov ered that inflammationà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦leads to insulin resistance and Type 2 diabetes. Science Daily (Nov. 7, 2007) Antioxidants protection against cancer, coronary heart disease and stroke Apples, and especially apple peels, have been found to have a potent antioxidant activity and can greatly inhibit the growth of liver cancer and colon cancer cells (Wolfe et al. 2003) (Eberhardt et al. 2000). The total antioxidant activity of apples with the peel was approximately 83 ÃŽÂ ¼mol vitamin C equivalents, which means that the antioxidant activity of 100 g apples (about one serving of apple) is equivalent to about 1500 mg of vitamin C. However, the amount of vitamin C in 100 g of apples is only about 5.7 mg (Eberhardt et al.2000). Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant, but research shows that nearly all of the antioxidant activity from apples comes from a variety of other compounds. Vitamin C in apples contributed less than 0.4% of total antioxidant activity. (Liu et al. 2001) Prospective studies suggest that people with high intakes of fruit and vegetables or blood antioxidant concentrations (Pandey et al. 1995) (Enstrom et al. 1992) in the highest quintile of the distribution have low risks of epithelial cancers,( Steinmetz and Potter 1991) coronary heart disease,(Gaziano et al.1995) and stroke. At least 10 prospective studies have shown that high intakes of fruit and vegetables confer protection against cancer, cardiovascular disease, and stroke (Steinmetz and Potter 1991) (Gillman et al.1995) Abundant evidence proves the role of virgin olive oil in protecting against cardiovascular disease. While it has long been known that olive oil helps decrease total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) levels (Covas et al.2006) new research is shedding light on its additional cardiovascular benefits. According to the Food and Drug Administration, Eating about 2 tablespoons of olive oil daily may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. To achieve this possible benefit, olive oil is to replace a similar amount of saturated fat and not increase the total number of calories you eat in a day.(Fito et al. 2005). Scientists have proposed that several constituents of olive oil may be responsible for its anti-cancer effects. These include its anti-oxidant polyphenols as well as the lipid oleic acid, which is highly resistant to peroxidation. (Owen et al. 2004) However, there are a number of dietary antioxidants that have been identified that would help us to understand how the antioxidants function, and some are still in the process of development and testing. (Uddin and Ahmad 1995) A group of chemists at University of Scranton in Pennsylvania says that adding a mixture of antioxidants to sunscreen may help enhance protection of cancer. In animal studies, they found that a mixture of various topical antioxidants was more effective than single antioxidants in preventing the formation of skin tumors induced by ultraviolet light. In another study, the same research team found that black tea, green tea, grape seed and cranberry extracts were all promising antioxidants for fighting skin cancer when applied topically. Both studies were presented at the 229th national meeting of the American Chemical Society, the worlds largest scientific society, in San Diego on March 14, 2005. Conclusion We need to eat a healthy diet with a variety of fruits and vegetables. We cannot depend on any single super antioxidants, a variety of antioxidants are needed. Currently only antioxidants from food compounds with vitamins (vitamins A, C and E) have been proven with antioxidant efficacy. Environmental factors that produce free radicals could be avoided. In numerous epidemiological studies, apples have been associated with a decreased risk of chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, and asthma. In vitro and animal studies have demonstrated that apples have high antioxidant activity, can inhibit cancer cell proliferation, decrease lipid oxidation, and lower cholesterol, potentially explaining their role in reducing risk of chronic disease. The potential health benefits of apples are numerous. Regular consumption of fruits and vegetables, including apples, as part of a healthy diet may aid in the prevention of chronic disease and maintenance of good health.

Field of Dreams - The Innocence in History :: Field of Dreams Essays

Field of Dreams - The Innocence in History [1] Baseball is America’s favorite pastime. When people hear the word "America," they think of apple pie, meat and potatoes, July 4th, and inevitably the everlasting love of this country, baseball. The credit is given to a man named Alexander J. Cartwright, who drew up a set of rules for a game played with a bat, a round ball, and a glove. Along with the rules came a sketching of a diamond-shaped field on which the game was to be played. The rules that Cartwright wrote up in 1845 may have very well changed somewhat, but the game of baseball has remained remarkably constant throughout history into today. [2] Cartwright was a part of a baseball club team called the â€Å"New York Knickerbocker Base Ball Club,† and his rules were for use of only this club. Soon after, other clubs started to become interested in these rules, and they adopted them into their own ball clubs and games. â€Å"It is evident that other teams were playing a good brand of ball, for in the first baseball game on record, played in Elysian Fields, Hoboken, N.J., on June 19, 1846, a team called the New Yorks, playing under Cartwright’s rules on a diamond of his specifications, defeated the Knickerbockers 23 to 1 in four innings† (Lieb1). [3] Baseball then expanded itself and moved on to integrating young men of â€Å"means and social positions.† In the 1850’s, baseball had a tremendous power that engaged many people from the East Coast part of the country. It got artisans, tradesmen, and shipwrights to form teams and play against each other. These teams of working men played against other teams that were made up of socialites. Within these club teams, though, there was a lot of disagreement because the people who used to partake in these games were mainly from the New York and Massachusetts areas. There were many discrepancies between the New York rules and the Massachusetts rules. This then led to the founding of the National Association of Baseball Players on March 10, 1858. [4] The new rules that the National Association of Baseball Players had installed then allowed the amateurs and others to play the game as well.

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Cruel Joke of Life Exposed in Vonneguts Cats Cradle :: Vonnegut Cats Cradle Essays

The Cruel "joke" of Life Exposed in Vonnegut's Cat's Cradle Cat's Cradle is set up like a series of comic strips, with satirical commentary found in the last "panel". What, then, could we conclude is the accumulative punchline for the entire novel? What does Vonnegut give us for his "last laugh"? If we attempt to answer this question, we must first try solving the answers to "what is the joke?" and "who is the joker?" It seems Vonnegut's characters are the victims to the cruel "joke" of life. In Cat's Cradle he suggests that God is the joker. Like any good comedian, he must consider his timing and his audience. By using human beings that are always trying to understand it all in a scientific age, it becomes the perfect "set-up". His method of delivering the joke seems to be either through Religion or Science. In the novel, the more the characters try to find the meaning of life, the funnier and more absurd the joke becomes. And no one is laughing harder than Bokonon. Julian Castle quotes this poem from The Books of Bokonon after Jonah shrieks, "My God-life! Who can understand even one minute of it?" Tiger got to hunt, Bird got to fly; Man got to sit and wonder, 'Why, why, why?' Tiger got to sleep, Bird got to land; Man got to tell himself he understand (150). Bokononism is a witty, satirical retort to the methods that God uses to play his joke. Bokonon and his followers understand the joke and even play along. When the final "punchline" is about to be delivered (when the ice nine is released), the Bokononists, who seem to have always anticipated an end to this prank called life, willingly eat the ice nine and kill themselves.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Oz/Management Information Systems

Oz/Management Information Systems, 6th edition Part Case Projects Part 1, â€Å"The Information Age† 1. Review the Gardeners+ part- and chapter-opening cases. Make a list of the inputs, processing, and outputs the owners must do. Now, armed with your list, go online to research a computer system—computer, printer, and any peripheral equipment—that you think will meet Gardeners+’s needs. Place that information in a spreadsheet that could be attached to the â€Å"Financial† section of Gardeners+’s business plan.Remember, the banker will review the plan to determine the business’s funding needs. 2. Gardeners+ constantly needs to review its business to come up with new ideas to compete in the gardening business. Review Figure 2. 1 on page 43 of the book, which lists eight ways to gain a competitive advantage. You, Amanda, Mary, and Ed will be meeting to generate some strategic plans for maintaining Gardeners+’s existing business and expanding into new areas. Do some research online or in business magazines to see how technology is being used in the gardening industry.Brainstorm some new uses for technology, too. For example, restaurants could give customers electronic menus and allow them to check items off electronically on a tablet PC. Come up with two new ideas for Gardeners+ to remain competitive. 3. Chapter 3 focuses on the use of information technology in various business functions. Review the business functions that Gardeners+ needs to carry out and make a list. Go online to research an application that will support as many of Gardeners+’s functions as possible. Explain why you believe this application is a good choice.

Macbeth vs. Henry V Essay

Shakespe ars constitute Macbeth shows the grow of all un experteous, our confess human nature. The play is centered on the coexistence of good and evil. Macbeth, impertinent any other Shakespeare play has the fighter convert to evil. In the beginning of the play, Macbeth is shown as a hero in the Scotch the States, that is wry because Macbeth defeats a traitor and he himself becomes whiz later. Macbeth k straightaways his plant in the world. He is fully cap fit of distinguishing between right field and wrong. Macbeth purposely disregards his own moral persuasion to rise to power which is again ironic and goes against his own beliefs. Macbeth stands as a symbolisation for Satans sin of breathing in. alike Satan, Macbeths thirst for power and ambition drives him to commit evil.Contrary to the theory of supernatural forces he is responsible for his own natural actions. The Three Witches and brothel keeper Macbeth were only influencing factors in Macbeths demise. Macbeth was pressured to do a horrible deed which was dictated by evil. The beginning of the evil was root in his wife and the witchs solely quickly spread into his learning strength and heart. The Three played a phonation in predicting the evilness of Macbeth which is cognise as the prophecy and Macbeth receives it from them.After receiving this prophecy, Macbeth starts to transform into an evil man who allow non let anything stand in his way. For instance, when Macbeth is questioning whether or not he should cook rid of Duncan, maam Macbeth fools Macbeth into thin big businessman ab let out how any sure man would commit the murder. She quotes What beast wast/ then, / that made you break this enterprise to me? / When you durst do it, then you were a man / and to be to a greater extent than what you were, you would/ be so a great deal more the man (Act 1 context vii lines 53-58).she sees the opportunity to kill Duncan and flip Macbeth king. She k promptlys Macbeths ambitions, merely says he lacks the ruthlessness, and although Macbeth depart take an opportunity, he wants to earn his honour honestly. He also knows the murder would be wrong and he would end up paying for it. Macbeth checks a firm relation saying that We bequeath proceed no further in this business(I.vii.32). merely after speaking with Lady Macbeth he counter decides and proclaims, I am settled, and bending up/Each corporal agentive usage to this terrible feat. Macbeth now proclaims himself king, fore-filling his ambition.Macbeths guilt is recognized after the sidesplitting of the king when he is unable to solution himself. Macbeths terminal words in this scene tell us he has committed himself to the path of evil. I am in blood, stepped in so faraway that, should I wade no more, return was astedious as go oer. He acknowledges his torturous distract and knows there is no way of tenia it. He has ruined his life forever. Macbeth now doesnt have a place among the others. He bec ame enraged as he knew that that was true but later true it by going to meet with his own evil kind, the witches. Macbeth becomes ruthless and kills at testament without imprint guilt. He is now a tyrant, ruling with fear until the bitter end.The horizon that one can use language, kind of than the conventional brute strength exemplified by Hercules and Beowulf, to achieve a beneficial offspring can be supported by hydrogens character in William Shakespeares henry V. King hydrogen V assumes his role as king after the death of his father, wide-cut heat IV. anterior to ascending the throne, Harry, as his friends call him, was known for his debauchery. Harry was an im shape up prince, but as the King of Eng add, he suddenly becomes mature and wise. hydrogens bishops convince him of his right and duty to acquire the throne of France. Soon, Britain is preparing for struggle and fully supporting their king in his pursuit of the French crown.Henrys powerful words prove his abi lity to rouse his troops and frighten the enemy. opposed more traditional heroes, Henrys heroism is not shown in battle, but instead before the battle. Because Henry is able to put fear into the enemy with his overweight messages, the opposing army may not fight as considerably as one dexterity expect. As seen at Harfleur, the governor surrenders to save the lives of the citizens.The vernacular that Henry makes demonstrates Henrys clever maneuver with his enemies. The king does this so that the governor will surrender and Henry can beguile Harfleur without a bloody battle. Although his speech sounds manpoweracing, a quality not found in the characteristics of a hero, it is only a tactic Henry uses to achieve the outcome he wants. Henrys reluctance to make good on his promise of this thrashing is proven when he states, use mercy to them all (III.3. 54). Henry is not the fiend he appears to be instead, he is a leader using any method he can to gain cut while keeping his troops out of harms way.At the final Battle of Agincourt, Henrys harass army expresses c oncern about their betting odds against the French the British are outnumbered cardinal to one. Henrys Cousin Westmoreland. Henry, world the talented rhetorician that he is, soothes the armys fears by delivering the inspirational speech If we are marked to die, we are now To do our country loss and if to live,The few men, the great share of reinforce. But if it be a sin to covet honor, I am the most offending soul alive. (IV.3. 21-30). Henry explains that there is a certain numerate of honor to go around once the British defeat the French. It is fortunate of those passs that are at the battle that they do not have to share that honor with men who are fearful and therefore atrocious of honor. Henry says that honor is most authoritative to him and that it should also be important to his army. The soldiers, feeling a renewed sense of purpose, will go into battle and claim that honor no t just for their king, but for England as well Henry explains what the British do Will stand a-tiptoe when this day is named this day, and comes full home, on this day will be with them for the rest of their lives He that outlives And rouse him at the name of Crispian The he will flake off his sleeve and show his scars, And say, These wounds I had on Crispians Day.. (IV.3. 42-52). What feats he did that day. Henry slightly shows his softer side by expressing concern for his troops. Henry tells them he knows some will die, but those who survive will be well respected for the rest of their lives. With the reward of broadness being dangled in front of him, a speech like this can lean even the most fearful soldier into becoming the fiercest fighter. It can be argued that Henry is not a hero at all because he is fighting a meaningless war and that lives are being lost for no reason. While that might be true in ones imprint, Henrys opinion is quite different. Henry conceptualises t his war is for the greater good. If the British win the war, they gain land and Henry attains the crown of France he accepts he deserves. Henry and the British people believe this war is justified they cannot be faulted for doing what they believe in.Henry satisfies the qualities in the rendering of a hero in using his skilled rhetoric. Henry has fought an impossible war against the French. In the final battle, the British were greatly outnumbered, but managed to escape with minimal casualties. The French, however, were not as fortunate and lost a total of ten thousand. This embarrassing defeat of the French proves just how effective Henrys speech was in improving the team spirit of his doubtful army. Henrys imperturbability and ruthlessness are masks that hide a man who would do anything to protect his countrymen. He uses scare tactics in his rhetoric to belittle the enemy while at the same time inspiring his men.Remember, the definition of a hero states that bravery and reso lution in any course of action qualifies one for the classification as a hero. Henrys bravery and solvent are represented in his words, rather than his sword, therefore proving him to be a rhetorical hero.Of the two heroes Henry the V and Macbeth the more intelligent and ruthless is Henry because Macbeth was ceaselessly cautious about making his decisions and involve the help of his wife who played the leading role in taking decisions be it to murder someone or to plot plans to get the throne. She was the more stronger person therefore she took the decisions as to what to do. Henry on the other march on did everything on his own and never wish the interference of anyone in his plotting.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Franklin D. Roosevelt and John F. Kennedy’s Inaugural Speeches Essay

Thesis though they might be similar, the differences argon of the ut near splendor, the circumstances of separately of their whiles, the careens in consultation, and the subprogram of their spoken communicationes.Needs Inprovement onMachanics- grammer,punctuation, spellingStyle word choice, formality, decl are structureThe that thing we consent to fear is fear it selfand involve non what your agricultural fuel do for you ask what you washbasin do for your pastoral. cardinal of the most influential quotes of the twentieth atomic number 6 gather inn from their beginning(a) speeches, as they were nigh to embark on the Presidency of the unify States of the States. Former President Franklin D. Roosevelt voiced the world-class passage on March 4th, 1933 and former(a) President tush F. Kennedy voiced the bet on passage on January 20th, 1961. Both startup speeches came at totally important(predicate) beats during American History and both share similarities an d differences. Though they might be similar, the differences are of the utmost importance, the circumstances of each of their times, the changes in hearing, and the purpose of their speeches. from each one can be see its own manner in which they are.To outgrowth off, each speech is presented under different circumstances during American history. Franklin D. Roosevelt is dealing with the depression of the United States. His speech comes at a time when taxes read risen, the capability to pay has fallen, and not only is the American government faced with restriction of income, further governments around the world as well. He speaks of how many farmers cant front to find a market for their let on and how the savings of thousands of families wipe out vanished. Most important of all he mentions a host of unemployed citizens faced with a sustenance and death state of affairs ascribable to the present economical stake. His presidency consequently faces very depressing circu mstances end-to-end this time.John F. Kennedy, at his preset time is dealing with the Cold War and separate war like adversaries. He aims at letting the entire planet fill out that the United States has the power to abolish all forms of humanity poverty and all forms of human life. Either they can friend or foe the choice is up to them. He talks about how it doesnt look whether res publicas are with us or against us the goal is still the same, liberty. He pledges subjection to faithful allies and re avocations a quest for peace from the opposition before some other war begins. The circumstances at this time are crucial and his position is that valet should face them to turn backher.The audience has a decisive part during these significant times. Roosevelts audience is hunger, tiered, and begging for change. Roosevelt recognizes these things and he thanks divinity that it is only material thing much(prenominal) as money, and residences that are effecting the nation quit e of plagues and famine that could destroy our way of life. He speaks to the people with sympathy yet with the self-confidence that everything get out be all right. That the naughty days will be deserving all they cost and that it will get a line us that we will change the situation for the better and not for the worst. The citizens then view something to look preceding to and that thither will be work again in the near future.In the case of Kennedy his audience is the whole world. He lets them know that America means business. He speaks with enthusiasm that we are not afraid of defending our country and by no means are we going to back down. He feels that we should be chip with our real foes tyranny, poverty, disease and war itself. There should be no iron outing for ideas such as communism. The world should take the same high standards of strength and give over that Americans so proudly fight for and fight themselves. Kennedys audience is more focused on the resolution of peace than armed combat another war.Purpose, together these speeches have a common purpose, to motivate. However there is a distinction in Roosevelts speech, his chief(prenominal) purpose is to motivate the country into employment, there by creating job opportunities.He affirms that it is not an impossible problem and the government can deal with it with by accomplishing greatly infallible projects to stimulate and reorganize the use of issue resources. He expresses this through out most of his speech. Giving motivation to keep on living, for there will be a beautiful future to look forward to. Thus the purpose of his speech is in his quote The only thing we have to fear is fear its self.Kennedy on the other hand is not only trying to motivate the American people, besides the world as well. The purpose of his speech is do declare a mod beginning to point out his friends and foes. He offers a chance to all enemies to start anew in search of peace. The chances for nations to coupling together and explore the stars, conquer the deserts, press out disease, tap the ocean depths, and encourage the liberal arts and commerce. He lets the public understand that what he is asking for will not be accomplished during present time only it will and that it is time to begin the chemical chain of events that will prosper in the future. non only for the people but also for their children. Though all this he lets the nation comprehend that we must be coupled in this pursuit and fight for what the country believes, Ask not what your country can do for you ask what you can do for your country.To finish up, both presidential startup speeches have their differences but they both get the similar message across inspiration. Without speeches such as these the American people would unspoiled give up and die or our democratic government might have crumbled to the ground. Lucky for us both inaugural speeches couldnt have come at better times in history. Each one in the ir times, with the changes in audience and there incredible purpose to change hopelessness into hope. Thus the contrast of Franklin D. Roosevelt and John F. Kennedys inaugural speeches, is of great importance and will be for generations to come.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Challenges of Youths in Our Contemporary World

Challenges of Youths in Our Contemporary World

CHALLENGES OF YOUTHS IN A MODERN WORLD The Longman Modern English Dictionary defines youth as â€Å"the state or quality of being young, the period from childhood to maturity; young people of both sexes†. A youth is characterized by features such as youngness, restlessness, strength, independence, curiosity; search fro greatness, vigor good, health etc. Pope John Paul II during his visit to Nigeria in 1982, addressed the youths in these words â€Å"Youth is the age of hope, of promise, of enthusiasm, of plans and of ideas.Youth does not want to give up in the face of difficulties†¦ Youth believes in a better world and is determined to do something to help bring it about†.1 talent youths must develop is the military capability to stand even should they want to stand independently.In the church, the youths have the responsibility of evangelizing. It is their duty to witness same Christ to their peers and to the remotest areas where Christ has not been preached.An thony Aja, quoting the Holy Father, Pope John Paul II wrote: â€Å"The Church needs your energies, your enthusiasm; your youthful ideas in order to make the Gospel of life penetrate the fabric of the society†. â€Å"Besides, the first Pope re-emphasized the part that youth can play in the call to evangelize the world as he addressed them in these words.Youths occasionally appear to forget this.

To be good evangelizer, witnessing must be accompanied by good example, being like Christ in all ramification. The bible recorded many same dynamic youths worthy of emulation. Two of such youths will be considered in this text. They are Joseph and David.Many youth do logical not have also the reason they exist and also some notion of who they are.How about you? He hated sin. He successfully resisted the temptation from his master’s wife. To the sin-laden second wife of his master Portipha, he asked, â€Å"how can I do this great wickedness, and sin against God†? (Gen. 39:9).Youths need to deal keyword with the issue of social pressure called peer pressure.

Titus 2:11-12. David the son of Jesse, the youngest of the eight sons of Jesse, rose and worked marvels good for god right from his youth. He killed a lion, a bear and conquered the veteran warrior Goliath. He overcame the evil spirits how that tormented Saul by his anointed fingers on the musical instruments.Contemplating the simple fact that education is now the instrument of bringing any change that is meaningful, its moral imperative to worry immensely on acquisition of knowledge.Challenges Facing the Youth Today The general state of youth reveals spirituals, social and psychological crises and confusion.They what are being affected by the effects and influence of the society, peer groups, parental neglect and the evil one. Many of our youths blindly national follow the dictates of the secularization of Western culture. The effects of secularism on most people have even made them argue that churches should accepts the society’s new directions.To find additional infor mation, last visit youthspecialties.

However, they forget to recognize that this stage is important and transitory – a stage between childhood and adulthood. Mistakes youth make at his early stage in life could be detrimental bearing with it a lifetime consequences. For example, Youths who take to armed robbery, prostitution, drug trafficking, political thruggery, and all manner of violent practices carry over such nefarious activities from their youthful stage into adulthood.At adulthood they become a problem to themselves, the society wired and invariably their children who may take after them.That adults, together with youths.Flee from all evil desires and run after righteous. Many of how our youths are compromising with worldly ideals. Compromise with the world brings corruption. It destroys the child of God’s testimony and makes his light grow dim.Suggest dilute solutions to every one.

However, the challenges facing our youths (Christian youth) is how to use them without abusing them. The truth is deeds that these devices rather then being used for the advancement of knowledge which is capable of making the world a better place have become powerful tools in the hands of Satan unlooked for the perversion of morals. For example, the computer has both simplified and speeded up the operation in many fields of human endeavor – available data storage, medicine, architecture, music and broadcasting industry.These are interactive computer software for learning of virtually any subject.The circumstance is not their fault, logical and it will not signify theyre unintelligent or apathetic.Sources of information and different educational operations are now available on the internet. However, one must not lose second sight of the evil associated with these devices (internet, GSM and computer). Many (including children, youth and even older people) are introduced to do world of deceit, indecency, immorality crime, sexual perversions, violence and many other vices through the use of these inventions of modern technology. The computer logical and the internet have more damaging influence on the youth.It may not do great to mention it, but it.

This a leading to a dramatic decline in the academic performance of the youth and a high rate of unproductively of the youth in all spheres of life.Wise parents should rise up to this challenge, and set up corrective measures to arrest this trend of self – destruction of the youth. 2. THE FILM heavy INDUSTRY Many youths spend long hours watching the television denying themselves of meaningful activities that will promote heathy living and advancement in life.Nearly all how them exist just because they can breathe.What about movies dominated with violent operations?. This negates God peaceful co-existence among men. Parents must therefore rise up to control what their children watch on the television. 3.Ladies confronted the complete most complicated circumstances from the analysis.

Some Pentecostal pastors are not left out in the craze for prosperity through miracle gold galore at the expense of diligent labour. 4. SEARCH FOR GREENER PASTURE Many youths run the risk of searching for illegal means to go out of this country for better life. Experiences of those who attempted leaving this country reveal the agony many had to go though traveling through waste land to cross over to their â€Å"promised land†.Parents arent perfect.Youths from such homes run away from home, get involved in all forms of crimes such as 419, armed robbery, thuggery, prostitution or hired assassions.Parents should wake up to their responsibilities logical and make sustainable plans for their children. 6. INDECENT DRESSING AMONG YOUTHS We have been wonderfully made by God.No matter the strategy, its clear as they attempt to participate the adolescents of today in todays culture, youth leaders face great challenges.

This is fact was not brief proper clothing and so the Lord God made for Adam and his wife garments of skins and clothed them. This implies deeds that the lord God covered their nakedness.Therefore, any clothing that does not cover the body fully is an indecent cloth. Let us also consider the demoniac in St.The operation of the household has to be revisited and emphasized by the parents should take an active part in the evolution of the children.This implies deeds that only people who are not in their right mind would go about without clothes not big enough to cover their nakedness.The most modern day christains especially youths are without estrain imbiding and embracing worldly principles, values, culture and customs without making refence to the word of God. The bible says: â€Å"Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man loves the world, the love of the father is not in him.The terrible news is these issues.

However, they forget that there is a link between the state of man’s heart and the outward appearance. In fact, one’s outlook is greatly influenced by the necessary condition of the heart. It is not uncommon today to find different kinds of immodest and indecent dressed worn by the majority of young people and some older people in the society, even in the church of God. These ladies wear transparent and body hugged clothes under the guise of fashion and civilization.Preachers and elders arent perfect.The common harlot dresses shamefully only to advertise, comete and seduce the opposite sex.They wear revealing clothes which create in men some immoral desires. Mini-skirts are symbolic of those ladies who want to seduce men. Every mini-skirt is a fuel that sets the mind of a man to imagine the most debased thoughts.Churches with a more youth group have a inclination to be prepared to invest funds into youth ministry.

They fry their hair (jerry curls or perm0, weave their hair, wear earring, parental leave their shirits unbuttoned, exposing their beareded chest, have funny styles of hair cut, apply make up just to prove themselves as â€Å"senior guys†. 7. Sexual Immorality/ Fornication Many black youths do not see sextual immorality/formation as sin. They see it as a way of expressing their love to a person of the opposite sex.Youngsters will great need to realize that life is a ride.Some youth who engage in fornication (pre-marital sex) tell you they are in search of happiness, pre-marital sex old has brought shame, disgrace and to many, unfulfilled destiny and untimely death.According to Ibid: Pre-marital sex has many adverse effects surrounding it. By so doing expose themselves to many risks such as: pregnancy, abortion, death, death, veneral disease, fear, shame, disrespect, sterility, uncompleted career are grievous sins against God, your creator. These are what we risk ourselve s for, Just a mere pleasure which does not last.But when the ambition becomes obnoxious, moral wrong signals are elayed. It is not uncommon today to find youhs engage in all manner of nefarious activities that are opposed to Christain moral virtues in a bid to acquire great wealth, fame and success. They are usually recruited as political thugs, fake drug peddlers, armed robbers, american hostage takers, murderers, assassins while others become cultists, prostitutes and so on. Some become involved in dubious and undefiled business.

Anything contrary leads to hellfire. 9. Peer Group Influence Many Youth have been led astray by those they regard as friends. The influences of peers can bring about a positive or a negative change in one’s life.John Chidi once classified friendship into 3: 1. Friendship based on unity 2. Friendship based on Sexual pleasure 3. Good griendship Youth should be encouraged to get involved in good friendship I =n which a man and a woman can be close friends without any sexual intercourse whatsoever.The musical instrument sound than the wordings as obtained in worldly music. Such songs do not give any inspiration, and it lacks modesty and moderation. So also is the obscene little dance that accompanies the music.Flee from such music and from every apprearance of evil.Many parents have lost inetrest in investing into education of their children. This what has increased the number of youths without any formal education or vovational training.One sees them in high dense areas/cit ies milling around motor parks, marj=ket places, in hide outs, practically doing nothing meaningful. Their daily existence depend on how much they can steal, extort from people or just waste away.

12. second Marriage Many youths today are faced with the problem of getting a wife or a husband. This could be attributed to a number of factors such as parental influence or control, self, sin and the devil. Youths becomes so obsessed with their inability to be married deeds that they now abadom God.The youth who desires life and the fruits of happy life must desire God and accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. Seek first the kingdom of God and all its righteous and all other things will be added unto you (Matt. 6:33). To the youth who had turn away from the Lord, I say â€Å"come back with a repentant heart and the noble Lord will receive and have you back as his own.You are to stay unpolluted and unperturbed in the constantly changing world where you dwell.The unchanging true God will substain you, for he has said. :For I am the Lord, I change not† (Malachi 3:6). This implies that God’s other children have no excuse to allow themselves to be swayed by the ra pidly changing world around them.. Must be resolved to live a holy life. This involves long daring to be different with a resolution not to look back. 4.