Monday, September 30, 2019

Reverend Parris Character Analysis; Practice What You Preach

Reverend Samuel Parris was a selfish, power-hungry, and greedy man. Parris believed that everyone was beneath him and that they all owed him something in some way. When the Salem Witch Trials began Reverend Parris believed the girls rather than listen to Rebecca Nurse, who says, â€Å"I think She’ll (Betty Parris) wake when she tires of it. † Referring to the fact that Betty was faking her bewitched sleep, to save his name and title. Even Arthur Miller claims that there was little good to be said about Reverend Parris.Arthur Miller says at the beginning of act one, â€Å"†¦ He (Parris) believed he was being persecuted wherever he went, despite his best efforts to win people and God to his side. In meetings, he felt insulted if someone rose to shut the door without first asking his permission. † As if he believed just deserved the respect of the people. Reverend Samuel Parris just believes that what he does immediately gives him power and that makes him blind to the truth.The way Arthur Miller wrote about Reverend Parris turned him into an ungodly and power-hungry man. During the play Parris goes from being worried about his daughter to arguing with Giles Corry about his firewood and how he deserves to get it for free even with his sixty pounds a year that he gets paid plus the six he gets for firewood. â€Å"The salary is sixty-six pounds, Mr. Proctor! I’m not some preaching farmer with a book under my arm. † Says Mr. Parris, only proving my point on how much power he believes he has or deserves.Arthur Miller even says in the beginning of act one how â€Å"very little good can be said about Reverend Samuel Parris. † He makes Parris out to be a dictator as well as a selfish man. Arthur Miller, again says in the first few paragraphs of act one, says, â€Å"He (Reverend Parris) believed he was being persecuted wherever he went, despite his best efforts to win people and god on his side. In meetings, he feels insulted if someone rose to shut the door without first asking his permission. †Showing how Mr.  Parris believed he was being persecuted wherever he went, despite his best effort to win people and God at his side. In meetings, he felt insulted if someone rose to shut the door without first asking his permission. † Showing how Mr. Parris believed he deserved that respect. Arthur Miller must have had some grudge against Reverend Parris for how he made him out to be; nevertheless this is what he was. Reverend Samuel Parris believed himself (something of a king or high authority) above everyone else in Sale. As I read I saw how selfish Reverend Parris was.For example, during the first act, and I’ve mentioned this before, Reverend Parris got into an argument with Giles Corry about how since he was the Minister of Salem that he should get his firewood for free and that sixty-six pounds a year was barely enough to live on. To that Giles said,†You are allowed six pounds a year to buy your firewood Mr. Parris. † Which Parris then turned into an argument on how when he worked in Barbados for more than he was working for now, and how they were lucky to have him at such a â€Å"low† salary.All of this arguing about wood was going on Right after everyone being worried about Parris’s daughter, Betty, who was believed to be under a spell. But I digress Mr. Parris was believing his fantasy that he was a good preacher and that everyone should respect him for that. Another thing I noticed, later in the play, was how much he cared about his reputation. He was all too eager to assume witchcraft and call on Reverend Hale, for me to believe he was worried about Betty.In the play, other people saw Reverend Parris in much the same way, selfish and greedy. John Proctor gave the biggest example, when he was talking to hale in act 2, after Hale told him, â€Å"Mr. Proctor, your house is not a church; your theology must tell you that. † John Proctor said, â€Å"It does sir; and it tells me that a minister may pray to god without he have golden candlesticks upon his alter. † He then went on to explain how Parris had preached about nothing but golden candlesticks until he got them, yet another example of Reverend Parris’s greed.As for selfishness, this one is obvious, first, his thought that he should get free firewood, and then not long after that one he says, â€Å"Man! Don’t a minister deserve a house to live in? † for not long before the play he had requested, â€Å"demanded† is how Giles Corry would put it, the deed to the house he was given for being the minister. And Proctor despises Reverend Parris’s Sermons for the fact that they always end up more about Hell than Heaven, he even says at one point, â€Å"Can you speak one minute without we land in Hell again?I’m sick of hell! † Reverend Parris’s actions prove everything other people in the town think. He is selfish, greedy, and power-hungry. The time he wanted golden candlesticks, he preached about them until they were given to him. When he realized that Betty was ill, rather than find a doctor, he immediately believed, and acted upon this belief that she was under a spell. He then proceeded to force Abigail, his niece, to tell him who forced them to do what they did in the forest despite her telling him that all they did was dance.The incident with the firewood and the house deed continues to show how very greedy and selfish Reverend Parris is. Even at the beginning of the play it shows how he would rather let the sin that all the girls committed go, than risk causing his house to be seen as part of said sin. This later leads to the Salem Witch Trials, because of his forcing the girls to tell him who forced them to do something that they did of their own accord. Parris was supposed to be a trusting and Godly man; his actions throughout the play don not depict him as such.Revere nd Samuel Parris was a selfish and greedy man hungry for as much power as he can get, who was blind to what was going on around him. His belief was that everyone in Salem owed him something, golden candlesticks, firewood, the deed to his house, which was in truth the house to the minister of Salem until he leaves that office, etc. showing his selfishness and greediness. During the introduction into the first act even Arthur miller says that Parris had very little good about him. My overall point to this is this, Practice what you preach, which as obviously seen, Mr. Paris failed.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Diversity, Inclusion, Equality & Participation Essay

†¢Diversity is the differences between individual and groups in society such as culture, belief, faith, background, skills, gender, ethnic origins, sexuality, family structure, appearance, social, values, knowledge, attitudes and life experience of a person from any group or community. When it is conjoined with equality it is about understanding an individual and group differences and instilling peace, harmony, value and respect of diversity both in the community and work setting. Every person from any group must be respected for their individuality and for who they are. †¢Inclusion is used within an educational setting and is a term used for stamping out discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender, disability, class, ethnicity, faith or background. It is about recognising and understanding that all children have the right to a wide range of facilities, learning and opportunities. In other words every child and young person or adult must be given equality of opportunity and allowed access to any form of education and care by meeting the individual’s specific needs. †¢Equality is to make sure that everyone has the same rights as anyone else to make a contribution to society and to be treated fairly no matter what race, gender, language, sexual orientation, age disability, religious beliefs, social origin, marital status and any other personal identity. †¢Participation is when practitioners participate to protect and promote the rights of the child allowing them to express themselves, have a choice and have a say if they wish to do so, in no way should they be forced, influenced or manipulated to prevent them from thinking freely and expressing their opinions. Practitioners should provide clear information about access to resources and provision to all children and their families and even he community. IMPORTANCE OF ANTI-DISCRIMINATORY OR ANTI-BIAS PRACTICE Anti-discriminatory or anti-bias practice is to actively prevent discrimination via words and actions. It also prevents prejudice towards any group or individual. It is a fabulous way of promoting equal opportunities. Practitioners do this by making sure that everybody involved with the  setting is treated equally in a non-biased way. All policies and procedures must demonstrate positive inclusive attitudes towards all members of the setting regardless of their age, gender, background, culture or their needs. Every single activity carried out in the setting concerning children, young people and their families must be underpinned with anti-discriminatory practice by the early year’s staff as they play a major role in promoting equal opportunities and being inclusive towards all children. Anti-discriminatory practice is to implement the settings equal opportunities policy in every area and aspect of the setting from setting out activities to having group discussions. Practitio ners must make sure every child is included and they achieve the best. APPLYING ANTI-DISCRIMINATORY / ANTI BIAS PRACTICE 1.Providing dolls which have needs such as hearing aids or intravenous lines. 2.Providing clothing of different cultures for role play. 3.Look at wall displays is there any stereo typical images such as a female nurse and a male doctor etc. 4.Celebrating diversity by joining in as a class such as learning about and celebrating ‘Chinese New Year’ or ‘Diwali’. 5.Books showing diversity and equality such as a book about the ‘Olympic Game Champions’. 6.‘Mirror Activity’ by getting children to view themselves and paint/draw a picture and see how we are different. 7.Decorative displays showing no stereo types. 8.Dolls dressing up clothes representing different cultures. 9.Dressing up clothes representing different professions. 10.Variety of toys during free flow, encourage boys and girls to play with a variety different toys which are normally branded as ‘girls’ or ‘boys’. Looking at number 5 I would plan this activity keeping in mind how I can implement inclusion and equal opportunities. I would show them a short clip if possible or a book of the Olympic Games which shows the champions who are from different races, gender, age and needs some of the champions even use special equipment to aid their needs such as a wheel chair. I will praise them as they are so motivated, successful and have achieved amazing results. I will give every child the opportunity to participate, I will provide open  questions allowing them to express themselves and clear the air of any misconceptions they may have in a positive way. Hopefully this activity will promote a feeling of self-worth, motivation and sense of achieving positive goals in life. Looking at 4 I would plan ahead by doing research on the background of the celebration so that I can answer any questions in a child friendly way that the children may ask. I will promote inclusion and equal opportunities giving every child a chance to participate in the discussion if they wish to do so. I will accommodate for every child’s needs such as effective communication, provide support, promote independence and additional equipment if required. We will all look at books looking at the beauty, colorful art and customs linked with the celebration and attempt to make and participate in it too such as making a painting of a dragon for Chinese New Year or making a lamp out of clay for Diwali. Looking at number 9, I would play a game with the group asking the children what do they want to be when their big, I could show them images of people in roles that a not stereo typical. I can even wear items of clothing that may fit me such as a builder’s hat. If a child has not decided what they want to wear I can encourage them to wear uniform that is not stereo typical I can ask them if they were a girl if they would like to be fire officer or if they were a boy I may ask them if they would like to be a nurse etc. SCOPE AND PURPOSE OF THE EARLY YEARS SECTOR Scope- the extent of the area or subject matter that something deals with or to which it is relevant. â€Å"we widened the scope of our investigation† Purpose- the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists. â€Å"the purpose of the meeting is to appoint a trust  (Oxford Dictionary)

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Decision-making process in business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Decision-making process in business - Essay Example Sales of electric blankets were unusually high at this time. Sales of grills were also unusually high during the fourth quarter. These financial bungling unfolded the actual state of affairs in Sunbeam. Al Dunlap's four step plan impacting financial, personnel, core business and strategy of Sunbeam had elements of controversy. The changes they brought about were fundamental and drastic. They failed to foresee the long term impact of their actions. They did not cater to the rule that balance is the key to most successes. As for public relations, Al Dunlap's arrogance that his Mean Business policies were accountable for Sunbeam's turnaround caused investors and the public to question Sunbeam's integrity. Dunlap aired his views that his "Dream team" sees opportunities where others see impossibilities. Al Dunlap's management team performance was flawed from the beginning. They failed to: (1) consider that cost cutting on a mass scale is counter productive, (2) realize that cutting down such a huge amount of jobs is actually downsizing business, and (3) categorize core business as profit making exercise rather than link each product with Sunbeam and sell off those that did not fall within the five categories of core business. The lessons that could be learnt from the outcome are that one must exercise more caution and care in turning around companies.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Economic and Ethical Issues of Pricing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Economic and Ethical Issues of Pricing - Essay Example Using prices may be because every company wants to gain and retain competitive edge at a price level. Pricing cannot be done in isolation considering that there are number of economic issues in the business environment that firms must take into consideration before setting up prices in order to remain relevant (Devan, 2011). Key economic issues that may affect a business’s pricing strategy include but not limited to level of competition, recession, demand, cost of services, elasticity and government policy. The level of competition will definitely affect the organization’s preferred pricing strategy (Martins, 2010). The tax advisory firm is already facing competition from non-CPA market competitors and do-it-yourself tax-preparation software packages. Provided you are not a market a leader in the industry, competitive pricing will always have a great impact on your service prices. This is because market leaders are renowned for establishing standard prices against which comparisons will be made on other services price offering. It is the wish of every company to sell its services with a high margin but unfortunately, this is not possible in a highly competitive market as existing competitors are likely to offer identical services at considerably lower price. When trying to set prices as in our case where the tax advisory firm is already facing competition, it is not worthwhile to avoid competitors. Devan (2011) asserts that this is because an intense competition will always increase flexibility of company price offering. It is advisable, that the decision to compete with lower price offering should cautious, because competitors often respond with lower prices if they perceive negative impact of your low prices on market share. The level of market demand is another important issue that can affect pricing strategy of products/service (Devan, 2011). Demand in this case refers to the quantity of product that the client is willing and ready to pay for. In case demand exceeds available supply, in our case being service offering then there tend to be an increased rush for the few available service providers and this is likely to inflate product prices. According to Martins (2010), business enjoys when demand is very high in the industry, as this will not significantly influence service prices unlike in situation where demand is low with a high number of suppliers in the market. Recession will often have an impact on the pricing strategy of an organization. During recession, companies tend to set their prices low owing to the consumers low spending power. Clients often demand for lower prices during recession than in normal economic and this force business to cut down their prices to be attractive to clients and avoid closing down owing to lack of business. Elasticity is a vital consideration when designing an organizations pricing. A firm must consider the reaction of clients to its products in case of changes in prices. A high ela stic product/service is that which a slight increase in price will discourage consumers and thus low demand (Devan, 2011). Inelastic products are those, whose demand is not affected by the changes in prices whether upwards or downward. A company needs to consider the type of service offering t

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Sphere of Business Activity at Google by Jessica E. Vascellaro Literature review

Sphere of Business Activity at Google by Jessica E. Vascellaro - Literature review Example Having this type of partnership with Emmis was thought that the online-advertising brainpower would make a change into the old-fashioned way of people performing business. Chad and Ryan Steelberg were teamed up with Google and Chad, in 2006, thought that because they had a technology for transmitting, scheduling, and tracking radio ads, they were going to conquer the radio. This, however, was not the case. Google pulled the plug on the multibillion-dollar business of off-line ad sales. Google misjudged the capacity of doing business without the human touch. Radio stations did not want to delve into performing business with set prices that were lower than their own prices and advertisers steered away from this endeavor. This does not mean that Google was a failure. It meant that it failed in this venture. Google, according to Vascellaro (2009), sells approximately one-third of all online ads in the U.S., by dollar amount. The radio venture was a small venture since they wanted to extend themselves to developing a successful model for selling ads linked to Internet searches through traditional media: print and television. It also retrieved from the newspaper ad-sales. It remains with the traditional media effort to sell television ads. Google claimed that they had "devoted substantial resources" to developing the radio and print ads but the impact was not as expected. Google Chief Executive Eric Schmidt stated that the efforts failed because Google did not come up w ith a good way to measure listener response. He stated that although the math was performed well on the computer, the sound had very little to desire. Some of the customers did not like the fact that Google had its limitations, such as not being able to track down if the ads were driving sales. The Steelberg brothers did not measure up with Google's engineer-heavy corporate culture. Google and DMarc did not agree upon using the human touch element. This was a terrible decision from Google's part. When humans are involved, automation does not necessarily fit the spectrum to approach and service the customers. Google erred in both instances, in the strategy formulation and the strategy implementation. Had Google delved into using the human element and approached the prospective customers using a personalized approach, different would have been the results. This would have resulted in a new approach of seeking customers by using technology and the human touch.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Define our approach to developing a Lifce Cycle Cost for the RRRP - to Research Paper

Define our approach to developing a Lifce Cycle Cost for the RRRP - to help prime develop logical path to developing and fielding technical solutions - Research Paper Example By working towards maximizing value in terms of achieving economic competitiveness and value through lowering the lowest long term costs of ownership, a good objective will be achieved for all the departments. The assessment of life cycle costs includes the cradle to the grave costs and provides a method to accurately consider long term decisions. Six different radar test centres have come together in order to create a single unified program to replace their existing ageing radar systems, hence this new umbrella organization is the one that stands to benefit the most from the improvement of the radar life cycle. The first stage in the improvement of the radar life cycle is the acquisition stage, where old and defective parts of the system would need to be replaced by new components. One of the first aspects which must be taken into consideration is that the existing radar systems are fifty years old and therefore practically obsolescent, and will require periodic upgrades of both software and hardware, which would only involve further costs. How often such upgrades would need to occur would depend upon how often computer capacities would increase. For example, Moore’s law states that the number of transistors that can be placed inexpensively on an integrated circuit would double every two years, so this effectively means that existing technologies would become obsolescent very quickly. Hence hardware and software upgrades may be required at least once every four to five years. Moreover, in the case of older systems, manufacturers of some of the parts could stop making them and it wou ld become difficult to replace the parts, thereby necessitating upgrades, because some components are no longer available. Where radar systems are concerned, the accuracy and complexity requirements are also quite high; therefore the capacity of all the

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Contemporary Culture and Its Effects Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Contemporary Culture and Its Effects - Essay Example Adopting contemporary culture has affected lives both in a positive as well as negative manner. It has made our lives fast and more technology oriented but if specifically seen from the view of creative industry, it has not given what it should. The following essay is based on the stance that contemporary culture has not given what it should, and this stance is supported by the evidences of different researches. This paper makes a conclusion that different researchers analyse the affect of contemporary culture on music industry. Gilbert is one of those authors who have discussed music with respect to modern culture. According to Gilbert, only a few studies emerged on the subject of music itself. There were lots of researches on relationship of youth with media but less work on the understanding of music. The dance culture and music culture have also changed. Contemporary culture has posed problems for both dance culture. The music is also no longer a source of sensory pleasure because of excessive modernization. There is more focus on production of more music without understanding the true essence. Cultural theory has an assumption that it is the consumption pattern which determines production and not the other way round. It means that the lifestyle of consumers is very important and it shapes the pattern of production. In other words, identity of a person is more important than the work lif e a person has. A person has to sell himself in society to be acceptable and starts earning.

Monday, September 23, 2019

No topic need Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

No topic need - Essay Example Cost based pricing is a pricing form determined by the manufacturing and production cost of a commodity. The form of pricing is advantageous since an organization is assured of not gaining a loss of its products. However, the strategy may prefer a high price than the preference of the customer (Nagle & Holden 35). In Ford Company, cost based form of pricing is preferred due to the diverse range of products it produces. The organization sets its minimum and maximum price range depending on the particulars of the product. The pricing strategy has ensured the organization record its required profits on products. In addition, in regards to the experience of the organization in the market, consumers feel comfortable with the prices set of the products (Nagle & Holden 56). At the start of the production in the organization, Ford used penetration pricing. Penetration is where an organization quotes relatively low prices. The prices are then raised when the organization gains market share. The growth of the pricing range will be determined by factors influence the market (Nagle & Holden

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Choice one of the topic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Choice one of the topic - Essay Example Generally, quality can be managed by clearly defining quality characteristics, considering how it can be measured, setting quality standards and lastly, monitoring and improving standards (Kelemen, 2002, p.29). Some of the problems in managing quality of service include measurements because it is very difficult to measure something that is not tangible. Another problem is setting or meeting the required standards since it is not easy to meet diverse expectations of different customers. In addition, monitoring and improving quality service is also a challenge because it is extremely difficult to monitor something that cannot be observed. Some scholars equate the concept service quality to satisfaction (Hernon and Whitman 2000, p.14) claiming that service quality is concerned with satisfaction and meeting individuals’ expectations. Agreeably, service managers face different challenges as opposed to production managers and some of these challenges include answering customer call, satisfying customers by providing timely service, ensuring quality service, and time factors among others. This paper presents a discussion on quality, challenges that service managers face as opposed to product managers especially when trying to manage quality. Feigenbaum not only focuses on manufacturing but he also covers various departments which contribute to the quality of the product and services that an organizations offer to satisfy customer’s needs (Knowles, n.d, p.10). Managing quality is one big challenge to many managers in an organization. Product quality covers features, performance and defects among others whereas service quality incorporates time delivery and knowledge of delivery personnel among others. Product features is one way in which quality can be measured in that customers focus on the features of the product as the most important factor in meeting their expectations (Juran, 1989, p.19). Product quality and service quality differ in

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Marketing and Customers Essay Example for Free

Marketing and Customers Essay Right now, HubSpot is serving different customers with different requirements. This causes their engineering and sales staff to be stretched thin. They are falling behind on product releases and their sales staff is converting only 4% (exhibit 10) of the potential market into customers. To increase efficiency, HubSpot should narrow their target market. If they target the most profitable segment of customers, then they can acquire more of those profitable customers and increase overall profit. The attached exhibit breaks down the LTV value for different customer segments based on their churn and revenue generation. Across all the segments, small B2B businesses have lowest churn rate of 1. 4% and hence highest LTV of $17357. As shown in exhibit, total number of potential customers in small B2B business 12126. This would allow Hubspot to grow 12 times their current size. Hence, HubSpot should target this segment as their priority. They could even convert more than 12126 customers out of total market if their sales team is totally targeted at this segment. The next most profitable target segment, as evident for attached exhibit, is Marketer Marys. Within Marketer Marys, Hubspot should target B2B customers. This is because, B2B have lower churn rates compared to B2C customers. Also, Hubspot is already geared towards serving B2B customers. Company (HubSpot) The core competency for company is their philosophy of inbound marketing. They build and market their software using this philosophy. So they should not tinker with this philosophy and should stick to inbound marketing. Another point to note from the exhibit 10 is that the biggest customer churn happens between 12th and 18th month. To address this phenomenon, they could offer discounts to customers after 12th month. Also, the customers who have switched to CMS have lower churn rate compared to customers who have not switched. So in order to increase customer retention, they could consider offering free CMS to all customers and possibly discounts to customers who adopt CMS. They would still be profitable after discounts as they seem to ave very low marginal costs. Competitor HubSpot also have relative advantages over their nearest customer Eloqua. HubSpot offers software-as-a-service compared to the large upfront fee of Eloqua. This leads to low switching cost for customer and hence easier penetration for HubSpot. They also have ease of use over Eloqua. But they do need to upgrade their software for more sophisticated users. This would be more required when they start going after Marketer Marys B2B business.

Friday, September 20, 2019

English Is a Funny Language Essay

English Is a Funny Language Essay During the mid-400s the country that we now call England was part of the Roman Empire. It was a land full of temporary settlers and immigrants. Among those residing in England were a group of Germanic settlers, made up of Jutes, Angles and Saxons. These settlers immigrated to England from various parts of mainland North Western Europe and with them they brought a language that provided the building blocks of English. The mixing of the Germanic settlers dialects with the languages of other immigrants led to the creation of Old English (the earliest form of English). This form of English was very different than any form of English that is spoken today and although it did consist of parts of speech that have some similarities to modern English. The language would be considered incomprehensible to the modern English speaker. Over the next 600 years the language of English was grew by taking words and expressions from the languages of the surrounding cultures. This was mostly due to more groups of people immigrating to England or in some cases, some groups invading the country. For example Roman missionaries who immigrated to England introduced many religious words such as minster and alter and the Vikings who invaded England introduced words such knife, take and root. During the Middle Ages (c. 1000-1300) English started to significantly evolve. The Normans, who were the people of Normandy (a region in northern France) invaded England in 1066. This event led to the Latin and French languages heavily influencing the English speaking people and their language. Thousands and thousands of new words became incorporated into the English language. The language of English was constantly evolving, creating what we call today Middle English, a form of language that closer resembles what we speak today. This period was also quite significant because during this time London become the legal and trade center of Britain. The language of London (Middle English) became the standard language. At the time there were other languages and dialects and people began to realize that in order to gain political or economic power a person had to be able to communicate in English. Many traders began to use this standard form of English. These same traders began to spread English all over the world. In the mid-1500s, the United Kingdom became a colonial powerhouse and the British Empire began to set up colonies all over the world. As the British empire continued to significantly grown and colonize the English language would spread further and further away from its birthplace. The growth of the British Empire, lead to English becoming a part of Europe, North America, India, Africa, Australia and many other parts of the world. As the empire branched out, new words were taken from the local languages and incorporated into English. English served as the lingua franca for these colonies. The term lingua franca refers to the language that is used as the means of communication among speakers of other languages. Keep in mind that these places each had their own distinct indigenous languages, and in some cases multiple languages. However the different cultures within these colonies would communicate in English. As this was happening, English continued to evolve into a closer version of Modern English. Also, around this time (1600s) some significant pieces of English literature were written. An author known as William Shakespeare was creating works that were gaining a lot of attention, these works were in English. Also, in 1611 the King James Bible was written in English. Unlike many other religious based books (not all) that were published in Latin and French, this bible was produced in English. This bible became the standard for the Church of England. English was becoming the language of religion. From the 17th century on, English continued to spread through British colonization. As new areas were becoming British settlement, new pockets of the planet would begin to communicate in English. The industrial revolution occurred throughout the 18th and 19th century. This was a time where major technological advancements occurred in agriculture, manufacturing, mining, and transportation. Machines were making life easier and producing goods at much faster rate. The industrial revolution began in the United Kingdom and then spread throughout Europe, North America, and eventually the rest of the world. All of this newly developed technology was having an affect on the socioeconomic and cultural conditions of the time. A significant majority of the inventors during this period were English speakers. Why English? English is a global language. English as a global language didnt happen overnight, it was a long process. Thinking about the history of the language of English, what are the major factors that lead to English becoming the lingua franca? It has nothing to do with how English looks or its structure. If you think about it, it is actually a very confusing language compared some of the other languages in the world. Here are a few things to think about 82% of the entire world uses some form of English as means to communicate. There are only 35 countries where English is not the first foreign language. Over two billion people partake in some form of English acquisition education. Heres a question to ponder, which country currently has the largest amount of English langue leaners? The answer is China. The answer to Why English has a lot to do with the same reasons why English was able to spread internationally in the first place. English represents opportunity. While peoples native language helps them navigate through their daily lives within their geographic area (city, town or country). The language of English represents an opportunity to become part of a global conversation. The four pillars to Englishs growth into a global language: Politics, Economics, Technology and Social Politics: Looking back at history, one can point to the political factors as first reason why English was able to spread from a small island to all over the world. In modern history the people who held the majority of the worlds power were English speakers. Also, looking back at the last century, world power has shifted from the hands of the British into the hands of the Americans, another English speaking country. Economics: The economic influence on the English language is closely tied to the political factors. The 19th saw the growth of English speakers occur at much more rapid rate than the previous centuries. Much of this has to do with the fact that the most financially powerful countries in the world during the 19th and 20th century were English speaking countries, the United States and Britain. If money does talk, during this time period it was speaking in (or learning) English. These days, practically every trade centre in the world uses English this includes countries that have a language other than English as the official language. Technology: As mentioned before, the industrial revolution had an enormous impact on the English language. British inventors came up with ways to mass produce textiles metals and glass. As well they innovated mining and they created the steam engine. If you did a web search on the products that were born out of the industrial revolution, you will be amazed how many came from English speaking countries. Here are some questions to think about: What web search tool did you just use to find out more information? What are the must have technologies of this generation? Where did many of them originate? How often do you see a product designed by Microsoft or Apple? Social: If you take a look at how media is delivered you can see English is absolutely everywhere. Through social media, the world is rapidly becoming more and more interconnected. People are now viewing themselves as global citizens. World issues are discussed in English and by having a working knowledge of the English language, people feel that they too can share their thoughts on common issues that are shared throughout the world. This includes such issues as poverty, the economy, climate change, political struggles and human rights. Social and Technology Coming Together English is widely used on the internet for the same reasons why English became so widespread during the industrial revolution. The internet began in English speaking countries. To add to it, think about the rapidly increasing interest in social networking through the internet. Think about the fact that Facebook was founded in the US in 2004 and since then has become one of the most visited websites in the world. Also, Google is the most widely used search engine in the world, also created by Americans. Standard English (S.E.) is the form of English that is generally accepted as the linguistic norm of an Anglophone country. But is speaking English that easy of a concept to grasp? We have learnt that English was created through a mixture of numerous different dialects. As it grew throughout the world it continued to expand encompassing more and more words from other languages. Countries such as Britain, the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa all are English speaking countries and yet their form of English isnt identical. In fact with in these countries there are various forms of English. Think about (and do a web search) on these terms: Hinglish Gullah Anglo-Manx These are just three of a huge number of dialects of the English language and within some of the dialects there are sub-dialects. English goes well beyond standard English. Part 2 How language works (and how confusing the English language really is) Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana Think about this question: How would you define the word language? Language can be defined as any form of communication. Language can be verbal and physical, it can be learned through direct instruction and it can also be biologically innate. The study of language is a very vast topic. Language is made up of numerous interconnected components and within each of those components there are many subcomponents (some of which have many subcomponents of their own). When people chat on the phone or talk over dinner they do not generally think about how they are communicating (language, volume, speed, intonation, gestures, etc), they think about what they are communicating (what you are trying to explain to the person you are speaking to). Phonology Phonology is the study of sounds in a language. The study of phonology offers us a better understanding of how speech sounds relate to pronunciation. Languages are unique and each one has different a phonological system. Think about this: What is the English equivalent to this Hungarian phrase? Sok szerencsà ©t kivà ¡nok The answer : good luck. Languages have their own attributes in regards to word stress, rhythm, stresses and what sounds are used to produce specific meanings. This is one of the reasons why learning a second language can be so difficult, what can be expressed in one syllable in one language may take many syllables in another. Semantics Linguistic semantics is the study of the meaning of language. This involves how meaning is created by combining single words into larger forms of text. If you break down a passage and actually think about each word on its own, it can get quite confusing. When learning a new language an English language learner faces many linguistic semantic challenges that English speaks may not even take into consideration. Think about these sentences: The winds blew the door open. / The road winds quite a bit. Or think about these sentences: The answers on the exam were invalid. / The terrible injury left the man an invalid. These are only some of the challenges an English language learner faces, think about these words and their meanings: Synonymy Words that have the same meanings Example: happy and glad Antonym Words that have opposites meanings Example: hot and cold. Polysemy A word which has two or more related meanings For example, wood could refer to a piece of a tree or a geographical area that is consists of many trees. Homonym A word which has two or more meanings For example, a plant could be a factory in which products are made or a living organism such as a tree Homophone Different words that are pronounced the same but spelled differently For example two, too and to Homograph Different words that are spelled the same but pronounced differently For example minute and minute Pragmatics Pragmatics is the study of the use of language. Pragmatics analyses the context of words and how they contribute to the overall meaning of the text. A sentence on its own can be quite misleading. Think about this: The fish are ready to eat. Does this mean the fish are hungry or they have been cooked long enough that they are now edible? Syntax Syntax is the study of the structure of language with a focus on how grammatically correct statements are formed. There are many syntactic categories including nouns, verbs, adjectives , prepositions and adverbs Orthography Orthography is the study of letters and how they are used to express sounds and form words. Orthography takes a close look at the writing systems of a language. For English language instructors, English in written form can be area in which many learners struggle with. Many of the things that we write without even thinking about can cause great confusion to an English language learner. Take for example: The words boot, book, blood and brooch. All of these words use oo however each of them have different pronunciations for this vowel combination. Now look at these three words: check, machine, character In each one the ch is pronounced differently Another thing that needs to be taken into consideration is the fact that not every language follows the same pattern of pronunciations. PART 3 ESL and EFL same same but different -Tinglish saying English as a Second Language (ESL) teaching refers to teaching English in a country where English is already an official language. For example, Canada, The United States, and Britain are countries that offer English language learners ESL programs. English as a Foreign Language (EFL) refers to teaching English in a country where English is not the most predominant language that is spoken. Due to Englishs place in the global scheme, EFL schools are quickly becoming popular all over non-English speaking nations. The biggest consideration an instructor must take into account is that EFL and ESL instruction does at times require different approaches to lesson planning. This is mostly due to the fact that English language learners living in an English speaking country are taking lessons as a means of linguistic survival. Although grammar is obviously an important part of English language learning, these students may feel pressed to first learn how to communicate in a way that the people within their community understand them even if they are using broken English. These students are taking English lessons to open up more opportunities both financially and socially to themselves and possibly members of their families. ESL students will also have the opportunity to continuously practice their English outside of the classroom setting. As a result the instructor should consider which topics are the most necessary. EFL students may not feel the urgency to learn survival English right away. An EFL student may be partaking in English lessons for a future trip, to open up future social, academic and economic opportunities or for solely for enjoyment. There are a number of EFL academic institutions around the world that cater to students who are taking English simply because it is their hobby. The distinction between second and foreign language learning is what is actually being learned, where it is being learned and how it is learned. This course will dive deeper into what considerations should be taken into account when creating and delivering ESL and EFL lessons. Terminology brb, ttyl ok? wow, I saved a ton of time with those acronyms. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ Stephen Colbert There is a lot of terminology associated with English language instruction. English Speakers can fall under many different categories and there are many acronyms to describe the types of English speakers. The following section is a review of some of the most commonly used terms and acronyms. The language in which a person is learning is commonly referred to as the students target language while Native language is the term associated with a persons first language or sometimes referred to as their mother tongue. L1 is the abbreviation for first language spoken by an individual, also referred to as a persons mother tongue . L1 English refers to a person who uses English as their first language. L1 is a term that can be used for any language for example a person who uses French as their first language would be considered an L1 French speaker. L2 is an abbreviation for a persons second language, or a language that is not their L1. Someone who is referred as L1 Japanese and L2 English is considered a Japanese speaker who has a working knowledge of English. English for Academic Purposes (EAP) is a form of ESL/EFL instruction that focuses on academia. This would include subject areas such as writing formal reports, presentations for school related purposes and reading academic works. Some areas of the world may refer to EFL lessons as English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL). English for Specific Purposes (ESP) and Vocational English as a Second Language (VESL)( refers to the study of English for a particular (usually job related) purpose. For example a course that focuses solely on English for the tourism industry. TOEFL is an official Test of English as a Foreign Language. This test focuses on English proficiency for international students who are interested in studying at an English speaking institution. TOEIC is the Test of English for International Communication. Originally used in Japan but now a worldwide tool, TOEIC is a standardized test (multiple choice) that is used to assess ones proficiency in English. Both TOEFL and TOEIC has become a recognized standard throughout the world. PART 4 Principles of Second Language Acquisition Learn a new language and get a new soul.   Czech Proverb Over the last century, many linguists have researched and theorized on how people acquire a second language. As a result, a number of theoretical frameworks have been developed. There isnt one accepted theory of language acquisition but rather a variety of theories each with a different focus and different limitations. This section will briefly explore different theories of second language acquisition. Chomskys Innate Cognitive Process Theory Do you think an adult learns a second language the same way a child learns a first language? Why or why not? Professor Noam Chomsky is one of the most well-known professors of linguistic studies. Chomsky s works support a nativists theory that acquiring is actually in our genetic makeup and we are born with innate abilities known as an LAD (Language Acquisition Device). Language acquisition does not rely on formal instruction. In its simplest form, Chomskys theory is that we are born with the innate ability to learn basic language which include the rules of grammar. We develop our language skills by listening to the people who raise us. Infants and toddlers do not necessarily require someone to teach them language, as long as there is linguistic input around they will inevitably acquire language. The process of selecting the correct pattern of words is done unconsciously. Chomsky refers to this as our universal grammar and supports this theory by pointing out that all human languages share similar patterns (for example present and past tense). There is a difference between the acquisition of a first language and a second language. Those who have had experience teaching both adults and children may have noticed that children learn their first language in a more fluid fashion while adults rate of acquisition varies from person to person. Now, keep in mind Chomskys theory. Children do not need to be taught their first language whereas adults require formal instruction. With children it is a natural progression due to needs and environment. With adults second language acquisition is dependent upon motivation, attitude, and ability Even though Chomskys theory appears to put adults at a disadvantage when it comes to acquiring language, adults do possess skills that enable them to learn another language. Adults possess competency in a first language which could be used to further understand and retain a second language. For example, associating L2 words with L1 words, creating visual and audio clues. Adults are able to problem solve and simplify complex concepts. Adults understand inflection and tone. Adult have the cognitive ability to review and reflect Adults can draw on mnemonics devices these are memory tools such as creating acronyms or simple rhymes *try a web search on common mnemonic devices Chomskys concepts have been both highly accepted and criticized by his peers. Krashens Five Hypotheses One of the most noted modern linguist and educational researcher is psychologist Dr. Stephen Krashen. Dr, Krashen is well known for his theories of language acquisition and development most of which were published in a series of books throughout the 1980s. Along with Tracey Terrell, Dr. Krashen also researched and authored works on the natural approach to language teaching. Dr. Krashens theory of second language acquisition explores how we learn language through five main hypotheses: the natural order hypothesis the acquisition-learning hypothesis the monitor hypothesis the input hypothesis the affective filter hypothesis The Natural Order Hypothesis This hypothesis suggests that language acquisition follows a natural pattern of progress. Just like in movement, one first learns to crawl, stand, walk and then run, language acquisition in every language develops through a series of sequential steps that a person progresses through naturally. By studying this natural progressing of language acquisition, researchers have uncovered a predictable pattern in language acquisition. By following this pattern teachers can develop a series of instructions that best suit the needs of older language learners. This hypothesis coincides Noam Chomskys theory that humans naturally have a built-in Language Acquisition Device (LAD), that enables humans to understand and acquire language from infancy. Teachers need to take the natural order hypothesis when introducing language concepts. This can be done by ensuring first introducing models that are moderately easy for learners to acquire. As instructors should *scaffold difficult concepts. Perform a web search and find a definition educational scaffolding: Educational scaffolding refers to the idea that in order for students to properly achieve academic success, the instructor needs to ensure that instructional supports have been when students are first introduced to a new topic. The Acquisition Learning Hypothesis. The Acquisition-Learning hypothesis is considered by many linguists as the most fundamental of all Krashens hypothesizes . The Acquisition Learning hypothesis suggests that second language performance is a product of two separate systems that happen consciously and subconsciously in a persons brain. The first system is the acquired system. Language acquisition occurs subconsciously through natural communication. In other words people acquire a second language when they are exposed to meaningful verbal interactions with speakers of the target language. The second system focuses on formal instruction. Krashen believes that this system holds less importance than the acquired system however it is still a component of language acquisition. The learning system occurs when people consciously focus on learning a language. In its simplest form you can think of it this way, a person learns a language by studying it they acquire a language by immersing themselves in it. Instructors need to create opportunities for students to use the target language in an authentic manor within their classrooms. This is especially important in the EFL classroom because students will not have the opportunity to use the target language outside of the classroom. How could and EFL instructor incorporate the acquisition-learning hypothesis into their teachings? Role playing (creating simulated scenarios) The Monitor Hypothesis The Monitor Hypothesis corresponds directly with the Acquisition- Learning hypothesis. The Monitor Hypothesis focuses on the effects of direct language instruction. Krashen explained in the Acquisition- Learning hypothesis that language acquisition occurs during exposure to natural communication. In essence, the language we acquire through this process is fine-tuned and properly edited through grammar and language instruction. Instruction and traditional language learning activities monitor and correct language. The Input Hypothesis. Comprehensible input are the messages that a language learner understands. These messages can come in the form of written text (books, signs, subtitles) or oral language (conversations, radio). The input hypothesis suggests that in order for language acquisition to occur, the learner must receive comprehensible input that is slightly above their level of language knowledge. This is often documented as Comprehensible Input +1. The +1 represents the next level in language. EFL instructors need to ensure that they are constantly taking the input hypothesis into consideration when creating and implementing lessons. Instructors need to provide as much comprehensible input as possible, especially in the EFL class because learners are not exposed to the target language outside of the classroom setting. The Affective Filter Hypothesis. Affective Filter Hypothesis focuses on the theory that confidence and anxiety have a direct correlation to language learning. In order to properly acquire language, a person needs to be comfortable and feel confident in their surroundings. When a language learner is uncomfortable they tend to mentally build up barriers that prevent acquisition. Keeping in mind the Affective Filter Hypothesis, list a few barriers in an academic environment that could directly hinder language acquisition. How can an instructor ensure that a learner feels safe? -begin lessons with ice breakers -establish a classroom routine with a set of norms -consider seating arrangements -incorporate dual language resources use humour -include teaching methods that allow for student interaction -address students by name -use eye contact -use positive language (*6) The Reading Hypothesis It should also be noted that Krashens more recent research has concluded that the more a person reads in a second language, the more vocabulary they will acquire. Involving a variety of texts in a language classroom will increase the learners knowledge of the target language and also offer the learner opportunities to view how the target language can be used in real-life contexts. List some forms of texts that will offer students an opportunity to view language in real-life contexts. -advertisements -instructional signs -subtitles -novels -scripts Vygotskys Zone of Proximal Development theory Having English language learners work in small groups is a recommend strategy. Why do you think students are more successfully when broken up into small groups? Although he only lived to the age of 38, Lev Vygotsky was considered one of the founders of cultural historical psychology. Vygotsky lived through Russian Revolution of the early 1900s and his works were largely unknown to the West until it was published in 1962, more than 25 years after he died. As a social constructivist he believed that social interaction was key to the cognitive and language development of children. He observed how higher level mental functions developed within particular cultural groups and individually through social interactions with significant people in most cases a childs primary caregivers. Vygotsky developed the Zone of Proximal Development theory, which outlines the notion that a students performance of certain tasks improve greatly when they are being guided by an adult or when working in a group of their peers. Vygotsky referred to these peers as More Knowledgeable Other(s) (MKO). The MKO is anyone who has a better understanding or more knowledge in the area of study than the learner. The MKO could be a teacher, coach, or peers. Vygotsky theorized that working alone is less constructive because when a student works with others, the gaps between what the student knows and what can be known is bridged. Working in these groups is working within the Zone of Proximal Development. Think of it this way: (Picture) (1)Student X has some understanding of some of the concepts but needs to learn other concepts for a greater understanding of the materials (2)Student X is grouped with others who know these concepts but some of the members of the groups may not know some of the concepts Student X knows (they have all entered the zone) (3) Everyone walks out of the group with new information Think about this: Why is the second language classroom a perfect environment to apply the Zone of Proximal Development theory? Unlike a situation in which a teacher or lecturer delivers information to students, the ZPD theory promotes the notion that students need to play an active role in learning. ZPD theory offers an opportunity for everyone to learn from each other. In an ESL/EFL classroom, the teacher can set up small groups in which students act as the MKOs and learn off each other. Think about it: How does the Zone of Proximal Development theory compliment Stephen Krashens Input Hypothesis? Think about students working in groups. -In essence both theories work on the notion that learning takes place when a learner is exposed to a person who has slightly more advanced knowledge in that subject area. Group work in the ESL/EFL classroom is very successful bec

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Philosophy of James Patterson Essay -- James Patterson Description

The Philosophy of James Patterson   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  James Patterson should be included in an anthology because he has mastered the art of description and plot. Heà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s capable of creating lives in his books like no other author from past or present. He has created a fictional world inside of his Alex Cross series, where many fans of his like to live. With each new book he can fill a mind with unbelievable detail and imagery. A small two book series, nicknamed the à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“bird booksà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?, blew away many critics. With this mini-series he ventures into biotechnology and the worlds in its view on longevity. Heà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s known for venturing off the normal path of writing. He goes where many authors donà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢t, into religion, romance/humor/history, and a womanà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s murder club. A few examples are Letters for Nicholas, The Jester, Cradle and All, and the à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“number booksà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?(1st to die, 3rd degree).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Patterson has been affected by many things in his life. The greatest thing was most likely his involvement in the company J. Walter Thompson, an advertising company. After his wife died in 1984, he focused all his energy into the company. Four years later he became CEO, then in 1990 he became chairman, and in 1994 he became the World-wide Creative Director (Author & Artists, page 209). He has said working for the company opened up his mind to bigger ideas in his books. Ità ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s what helps him write the masterpieces we see today.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Pattersonà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s main influence in the action/mystery genre is the Alex Cross series, but three other books stand out too. Besides the Alex Cross series, his other major bestsellers are à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“The Thomas Berryman Numberà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“When the Wind Blowsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?, and à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“The Lake Houseà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?. His first novel à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“The Thomas Berryman Numberà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? won an Edgar award in 1977. It was critiqued as a wonderful change from the normal thriller, written with a faultless ear for real speech and an accurate eye for real people. Even now, it is still said that à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“the plot is subtle and provocative, the characters are complex and compelling, and Patterson's writing here makes it a pleasure to deal with every pageà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? ( (2nd source), A reader). Then after some success with Alex Cross, he came out with à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“When the Wind Blowsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? and à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“The La ke Houseà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? a few years later. These books take a wild spin on bio-engineering, fusing wings into a human. It was met with some skepticism at first, but many rea... ...y have only made him stronger. He has also succeeded not only in writing but in the corporate business too. When asked what he is going to do after Alex Cross, he said that he had no idea and thatà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s how he likes it. What a philosophy. By taking life as it comes he can give back the most spontaneous reaction. He says he looks forward to many more years of writing. So many people look forward to him in those years. Works Cited 1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Author & Artists volume 25, contemporary author encyclopedia (no author), pages 209-213, Copyright 2004 2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚, 2005, A reader 3.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚, 2005, Locke, Josephine Anna (1st review down) 4.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚, 2005, Ufowriter (2nd review down) The Philosophy of James Patterson Essay -- James Patterson Description The Philosophy of James Patterson   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  James Patterson should be included in an anthology because he has mastered the art of description and plot. Heà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s capable of creating lives in his books like no other author from past or present. He has created a fictional world inside of his Alex Cross series, where many fans of his like to live. With each new book he can fill a mind with unbelievable detail and imagery. A small two book series, nicknamed the à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“bird booksà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?, blew away many critics. With this mini-series he ventures into biotechnology and the worlds in its view on longevity. Heà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s known for venturing off the normal path of writing. He goes where many authors donà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢t, into religion, romance/humor/history, and a womanà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s murder club. A few examples are Letters for Nicholas, The Jester, Cradle and All, and the à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“number booksà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?(1st to die, 3rd degree).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Patterson has been affected by many things in his life. The greatest thing was most likely his involvement in the company J. Walter Thompson, an advertising company. After his wife died in 1984, he focused all his energy into the company. Four years later he became CEO, then in 1990 he became chairman, and in 1994 he became the World-wide Creative Director (Author & Artists, page 209). He has said working for the company opened up his mind to bigger ideas in his books. Ità ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s what helps him write the masterpieces we see today.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Pattersonà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s main influence in the action/mystery genre is the Alex Cross series, but three other books stand out too. Besides the Alex Cross series, his other major bestsellers are à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“The Thomas Berryman Numberà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“When the Wind Blowsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?, and à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“The Lake Houseà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?. His first novel à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“The Thomas Berryman Numberà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? won an Edgar award in 1977. It was critiqued as a wonderful change from the normal thriller, written with a faultless ear for real speech and an accurate eye for real people. Even now, it is still said that à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“the plot is subtle and provocative, the characters are complex and compelling, and Patterson's writing here makes it a pleasure to deal with every pageà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? ( (2nd source), A reader). Then after some success with Alex Cross, he came out with à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“When the Wind Blowsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? and à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“The La ke Houseà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? a few years later. These books take a wild spin on bio-engineering, fusing wings into a human. It was met with some skepticism at first, but many rea... ...y have only made him stronger. He has also succeeded not only in writing but in the corporate business too. When asked what he is going to do after Alex Cross, he said that he had no idea and thatà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s how he likes it. What a philosophy. By taking life as it comes he can give back the most spontaneous reaction. He says he looks forward to many more years of writing. So many people look forward to him in those years. Works Cited 1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Author & Artists volume 25, contemporary author encyclopedia (no author), pages 209-213, Copyright 2004 2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚, 2005, A reader 3.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚, 2005, Locke, Josephine Anna (1st review down) 4.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚, 2005, Ufowriter (2nd review down)

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Beatrice of William Shakespeares Much Ado About Nothing Essay examples

Beatrice of William Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing One of the most intriguing characters from Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing must be Beatrice. An intelligent, well-spoken (and, perhaps more interesting, outspoken) young woman, she is an almost exact opposite of her cousin, Hero. What makes Beatrice so different than what one expects of a woman during Shakespeare’s time? Why did Shakespeare decide to make her such a strong female character? It begs the question of what women were actually like in the Tudor era, and if she was really so radical a character. Beatrice is very different than the common expectation of women by people looking back on Shakespeare’s period and of the public of Shakespeare’s time in many ways. As previously stated, she is outspoken, intelligent and does not wish to be married. This is strange, considering that around the time that Shakespeare was writing (give or take a few hundred years), women were being restricted in their studies, writing and in society (Wiesner, 3). There are many examples of women being restricted by the law in society, as Merry E. Wiesner stated in her essay: In regard to the basic obligations and duties of citizenship, little distinction was made between men and women; all heads of households were required to pay taxes†¦ and obey all laws. Beyond that, however, there were clear legal restrictions on what the female half of the population could do. Women differed from men in their ability to be witnesses, make wills, act as guardians for their own children†¦ These limitations appear in the earliest extant law codes and were sharpened and broadened as the law codes themselves were expanded. (4) With societal views such as this, it was no doubt odd to see such a... ... even a bit closer to the ideals about women presented at the time. In many ways, Beatrice is ahead of her time as far as how she is presented. In other ways, though, she is no different than real women, and is simply a representation of those real women on the stage (such as Queen Elizabeth I). Though she is almost the exact opposite of her more mainstream idea cousin, Hero, Beatrice is not so taboo or radical when it comes down to a deeper inspection of women, society and her character. Works Cited Marcus, Leah S. â€Å"Shakespeare’s Comic Heroines, Elizabeth I, and the Political Uses of Androgyny.† Women in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. pp 135-153 Shakespeare, William. Much Ado About Nothing. Sim, Alison. The Tudor Housewife. pp 3, 126. Wiesner, Merry E. â€Å"Women’s Defense of Their Public Role.† Women in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. pp 1-27.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Conforming to Societys Norms Essay -- Ethics Norms Mores Essays

Conforming to Society's Norms In today's day and age contemporary society's are built upon the thought of citizen conformity to a prescribed set of values and norms to. This idea of complies to social standards makes one think as to how these norms of fact society as a whole and an individual. The main driving component which draws people too conformity are the desire to be excepted in certain status groups. People fear that if they do not conformity is norms that they will be breaking the social contract therefore been shunned by society at not being able to achieve their personal goals. Further analysis of these forces for conformity in contemporary society it will be shown that these forces produced negative ethical conduct and hinder the foundation of justice that the political system of Canada is based upon. Conformity in society is what individual takes upon the beliefs and ways of life is another group or from someone in charge. " Conformity includes a strong component of intolerance of nonconformity, necessarily entails an unwillingness to commit other people to deviate from pads of established belief." Conformity is not necessarily imply that one is in agreement with the set of norms but that the norms are merely abided by for various reasons that will be discussed. Social class hold significant impact on a person's behavior as a prescribed one's conditions in life. Social class, in contemporary society, the first to the amount of education of person has been subject to as well as their occupational position. The class hierarchy of suggest that decisions and actions of members of higher class will have an impact on society and have consequences, whereas a believe exist at the lower classes are at the ... ...portunities and political representation. Patronage projects these principles by creating a realm of preferential treatment and representation of a politicians personal needs instead of the needs of the country. As shown, various forces of conformity and exist in modern society's the conflicting nature of these forces create difficulties in establishing when conformity is necessary what exactly conformity is. Forces of compliance, such as the class structure, group pressure, the idea of a social contract, achievement of societal and personal goals, the interdependent nature of society, and the fear of punishment create inequality in society and continue to into her overtime the strength of the sources of conformity ultimately produced negative ethical conduct, inequality, and disrupt the foundation of justice that the Canadian political system is based upon.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Persuasion on Drug Testing Welfare Recipients

I believe through use of mandatory random drug testing, progress monitoring, on- going physical and mental examinations, we can discourage the continued misuse of these funds. If mandatory drug testing were implemented, fewer checks would be used to purchase illegal drugs, and be used for necessary Items Instead. When a person Is addicted to drugs, it consumes the Individual's life. The person becomes obsessed with the drug they are addicted to; it becomes more important to them, than, food, family and even their own well-being. This behavior puts them and everyone under their care at risk.If a welfare recipient has children and they use the money meant to feed their children for drugs; not only has our government paid for someone's high, but the child will now go without food. On the flipped, if mandatory random drug testing was part of the process, we would be able to identify abusers and have their children placed where they can be cared for more effectively. This may help the nex t generation not to follow In their parent's footsteps. In Identifying this type of behavior, we may be able to save not only the children, but the abusers as well.Another method that can be used to deter abusers of these federal programs is progress monitoring. Progress monitoring is another way to crack down on people abusing the system. Progress monitoring refers to requiring the recipients to report and document their effort of searching for employment. A minimum number of applications to employers would be required each month. After obtaining a Job, follow up would be made to see that the Job is kept. I would go so far as to state, if they are unable or unwilling to find a Job, our overspent should give them a Job.A Job similar to placing up trash on the side of the road, or cleaning our parks; they would be earning their way and not just receiving unearned money. Many people that are receiving benefits are doing so due too physical or mental ailment. Implementing a program wit h ongoing physical and mental examinations may help to alleviate some of the misuse In this area. Many of these benefits are given with initial physical or mental examinations, and never followed up on to see if there is improvement.Our government could provide education to some of these recipients as well. Just because you cannot stand on your feet for long periods of time, does not mean you are useless In the working world. There are many ways to earn money, which would be a benefit to society, as well as the individual. What this boils down to is our tax money, earned from our hard 1 OFF We are out working earning our way in life and theirs too. We are being taken advantage of. If you think we don't need to check up on these people, then you are wrong, plain and simple.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Elevator Speech Draft

Elevator Speech Audience: Diana Gale Purpose: To outline strategies for developing a publicly supported wasteland augment policy â€Å"Seattle Waste utility faces a challenging new mission: not only is the agency t asked with its previous responsibility of delivering waste management services, it is now task ked with developing waste management policy. With the approaching deadline to Rene w the contract with the King County landfill, the utility is faced with an opportunity to recon mend a new longer waste management policy.You have already accomplished a great deal by building SSW into an organize Zion that can be effective in developing policy, but local organizations, politicians and meme beers of the public have strong, competing perspectives about waste management in Seat tale. In addition, confidence in Saw's ability to recommend a policy is low. Under these conditions, it is best if SSW does not make a recommendation a bout a longer waste management policy alone. Instead, yo u should engage key organization s and individuals whose support could strengthen Saw's legitimacy.TO determine a longer asset disposal policy, we recommend that you pursue one of two participator decommissioning processes: the first includes the the public, along with local p Laotians and administrators. If time constraints allow, we feel that this is your best bet to in crease Saw's legitimacy and gain support and cooperation for the policy. The second excels vilely includes local politicians and administrators. This second process would increase the u utility legitimacy on a more limited level, but may be preferable if time constraints prevent you from pursuing the more inclusive process. †

Sex Discrimination in Poland

Eradication from sex discrimination on the Polish work market would favour development of women’s promotion prospects. Since becoming a full European Union member Poland has made headway in promoting gender equality into national policies and in gender discrimination in the workplace. However, this country still lags far behind the other countries of an old continent breaching women’s’ rights not openly. Poland is a country that cultivates its tradition and keep its values. Stereotypes regarding the model of Polish traditional family are deeply ingrained in Poles psyche and therefore women are not treated equally in the society because they have always been associated with fulfilling domestic activities. Also, a conservative attitude to women in Poland when it comes to work stems from the history. Polish women were identified with ‘Mother- Pole’ who protects the hearth and home. In connection to this the vast majority of men cannot imagine women’s forsaking their duties. Regardless Poland succeeds in making progress on different fields the problem of female manager’s promotion remains unsolved. The most industrialized countries such as Sweden, Germany or USA are willing to take advantage of women’s potential and experience. Reasons are numerous, for instance : more female workers are highly educated in comparison to male employees. Moreover women seem to be attractive workers in view of possessing features that are not typical of men. For example they better endure stressful situations and have better developed communication skills. Unfortunately many employers in Poland do not appreciate women’s aptitude like it is in other countries. Still women continue to occupy lower positions . Even if they put an enormous effort to perform their duties the salary for the same job is lower . I conclude that male employers are afraid of aligning women in responsible positions because they do not believe that women will manage to fulfill duties properly. Nevertheless, a plenty of amenities for female workers are being implemented in many European companies in order to facilitate their development. Also Poland should adjust their work market to women. First of all the Polish Government ought to take measures to protect women against discrimination at work. For instance they can levy fines on companies where women are sidelined from work due to their gender. Moreover, Poland should increase the access to care services like nursery schools. Thanks to it women will have an opportunity to join family duties with work and continue their carreers. In addition there should be implemented flexible working hours which are crucial for women on maternity leave . Introducing such solution will be profitable for her employer. On the whole Powers governing Polish work market are relentless and only few women who were entirely determined to break the glass ceiling managed to overcome the barriers. Women’s promotion prospects should be more widespread and the Government should introduce campaign encouraging male bosses to employ women.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Succesful Entrepreneur

Choose any successful entrepreneur in Malaysia or outside Malaysia. Then explain why you choose he/she as a successful entrepreneur and relate it with entrepreneurial competencies. The person that i choose to be the great entreprenure that become the idol to me is Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary. He was a great man that motivate us with his success story that inspired and motivated throughout his success in business activities which can make us to be more discipline and working much harder to achieve their dream. That is just the beginning. Now let’s go personally about him. He’s a mysterious man. Where he does not like to show off the luxurious life. For your information, he is easy to get along with other people. He is not the type of people which love to collect luxury car. He has an old model of Proton Perdana and another one is 20 year’s old Mercedes which he used to use it from time to time. Tan Sri Syed Moktar Al-Bukhari is the entreprenure that is so kind and always make a charity work to help other people. He always donate his money and easily to help people especially the poor people and the orphan. Now we go to his background. He was born into a mid- low class family in north of peninsular Malaysia, whose house was without necessities and luxuries. His highest education was only until form five, and he never went to university. A whole lot of his knowledge and experience was gained through his own entrepreneurship experience during his youth time. Due in part his family's mediocre-to-poor background, Syed Mokhtar al Bukhary had to step into the working world in his early life, while pursuing his primary and secondary studies. Syed Mokhtar helped his mother planting and selling vegetables in the market and also selling roti canai. His numeric knowledge was used to help his father in doing daily book keeping. After finishing school, Syed Mokhtar helped his father in breeding cow business but only to see the business washed away by foot and mouth disease. Nevertheless, he took over the business and start over by selling meats. He then move on to packaging the meats and start selling them wholesale. His determination paid off and the business started to take off. what can we see he have become entreprenure when he was small. His idea to run the bussiness rom the small scale business approve that we cannot only depends on a large-scale business to determine the successfull , but depending on the way we done the business with the continuous quality to make sure the business doing well. Now he have prove to us that he can be the best and succesfull business man even he come from the mid low class family, with the determine and hardworking, he can become the great entrepreneur. Characteristic that should be possessed by successful entrepreneur in order to perform entrepreneurial functions effectively have a several factor. One of the factors is initiative. This characteristic has been show by him when he help his father in breeding cow business. He then become the businessman and start over to selling meat. He then move on to packaging the meats and start selling them wholesale. Because of his initiative he he has managed to expand its business to advance from time to time. Al- bukhary Foundation was established in March 1996 as a charitable act to help the poor, support the development of islamic art and culture and promote understanding between civilization. The main objective of Al- Bukhari Fondation is to promote brotherhood among muslims. This foundation is composed of two parts. One section carries out charitable work, while one part of the management of funds from any company in which Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar no interest in it. Until now, al-Bukhary Foundation spent more than RM300 million for religious activities, culture and education. In addition, Yayasan Al-Bukhary only finance poor students. Among the initiatives that are committed to finance poor Muslim students from around ASEAN to study in Malaysia. Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar has show some attitude that he is the person that always help people evenly he has no interest in it. In conclusion, he is the one who concern for high quality of work. As an entreprenure, he acts to do things that meet certain standards of excellence which gives him greater satisfaction. What we can see from his attitude is, he is the one of the successful â€Å"bumiputera† that become the excellence and great billionaire and the one who is then become the icon and idol to the Malaysian. Because of his constribution also, many people has been helped by his Yayasan Al –Bukhary can support they life to go on further and then become the person who is excellence like him.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Roman catholic funeral and burial practices Research Paper

Roman catholic funeral and burial practices - Research Paper Example They are also known as ecclesiastical funerals in the Church. When a member of the family or a loved friend passes away, the others are left grieving and wondering why it had to happen to him. However the truth lies that every person is going to see his end one day or another and thus, instead of feeling tremendous sorrow for the deceased one, people try and hope for the best and thank Jesus for all that he has done and everything he had provided the person with during his lifetime. The Roman Catholic Funeral rites thus help to offer a very profound journey for the dead that helps his family and friends to pass through the beautiful emotions of grief and loss as well as joy that the person is going to a happier place where he is believed to have an everlasting life in heaven or paradise. There are a number of varied beliefs on what happens after death, for all different religions. In the Roman Catholic Church, people are taught that after death, a body begins to decompose into the Ea rth. During this process, the soul however leaves the body and undergoes an immediate evaluation. This is according to the Hebrews 9:27 "And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment." (KJV). They believe that there are very few people who end up going to heaven after their death. They are those people that spend their lives worshipping God and let God show them the way in every aspect of their lives. They are thus glorified and are rewarded by eternal bliss in heaven. Some saints, the Virgin Mary and Apostles qualify for walking on this path after their death. On the other hand, those who commit sins during their lifetime or reject the existence and worship of God are transported to Hell after their death. It is here that they are tortured for the rest of whatever they have left, their souls are not give mercy and they are stuck forever in this position that they are believed to have created for themselves, by inflicting upon them, deeds during the course of their lifetime. Yet another state that many dead people enter into right after their death is the state of purgatory. This takes place when a person loves God ‘imperfectly’ during his lifetime but dies in a state of grace. Purgatory is said to be the state where such people have to suffer for a long time in order o cleanse themselves of whatever imperfections have been accumulated within their souls because of their deeds in their lives. They might have committed certain mortal sins, but after some ablution these are cleansed off and forgiven in the Sacrament of Peace. However, such people are still believed to have some punishments which need to be discharged. (CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA) The Roman Catholics believe that Purgatory is much like Hell because when people are tortured here in order to cleanse themselves, they are tortured endlessly with fire. This happens till they are perfectly pure again to be able to qualify to enter the gates of Heaven. It is also belie ved that if the friends and family of the deceased pray to God for his soul, then his stay in purgatory is shortened, otherwise he has to endure fighting with fire till he is absolved. The difference from Hell is that one in Purgatory eventually gets to enter Heaven unlike those who already are in Hell. Moving on to the actual funeral rites in the Roman Catholic Church, these have three parts.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Risk management (casa study of British American Topacco Pls(BAT)) Essay

Risk management (casa study of British American Topacco Pls(BAT)) - Essay Example In the year 2009, the subsidiaries of the company enabled global governments to earn over  £26 billion in a financial year from taxes together with excise duty on their product. The subsidiary companies of BAT operate in 41 countries producing through 50 cigarette factories around 724 billion amounts of cigarettes. The company employs around 60,000 people globally. The organisational decisions are made keeping in view certain policies, strategies, standards, and delegated authorities. The benefit of local stakeholders to a business is the pivotal point in any organisational decision. The management of BAT is also conscious about their operating responsibilities as they produce products which pose risk related to the health aspects. The company works coherently with thousands of global tobacco farmers. These attributes have made the company a leading global giant in the tobacco industry. In this report, the inherent risks associated with any organisation will be analysed. Stakeholde rs’ benefit is a significant part of any business. They are generally concerned about their losses and gains from any business before investing in it. Therefore, the manager of any business has to try and mitigate any risks related to any business for shareholders to keep faith in the organisational business policies and initiatives and thus enabling them to consider making further investments into the business. The corporate governance process also is an integral part of any business organisation, as they have to carry out their financial activities as well as their organisational activities keeping in view the regulations of corporate governance (British American Tobacco, n.d.). Risk is an integral part of any business venture. Therefore, there is a need to properly manage risk in order to maximise the benefits from a business and reduce the damage which may be caused due to the risk associated with it. Risk management is a very

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Computer Systems Fundamentals Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Computer Systems Fundamentals - Essay Example released their RSA algorithm into the public domain, in advance of the US patent (#4,405,829) expiring on the 20th Sept. of the same year. Following the relaxation of the US government restrictions earlier in the year (Jan. 14) this removed one of the last barriers to the world-wide distribution of much software based on cryptographic systems. It should be noted that the IDEA algorithm is still under patent and also that government restrictions still apply in some places. 11. [Year:2004, Month: Apr 14]nVidia releases GeForce 6800, claiming it is the biggest leap in graphics technology the company ever made. Independent reviews show more than 100% increase in productivity compared with the fastest card on the market. Continuing the tradition, nVidia demonstrates Nalu, a mermaid with extremely realistic hair. A few weeks later nVidia's main rival ATi announces X800 with nearly the same level of performance and feature support. The card is showcased by the Ruby demo, delivering a smooth real-time rendering of what was previously in the exclusive realm of prerendered cinematics. Memory speeds are written in different formats depending on the type of memory technology your computer uses. FPM and EDO speeds are written in nanoseconds (ns). SDRAM, DDR, and DDR2 speeds are written in megahertz (MHz) Here is a rough guide to relative memory speeds: i. Memory Speed Technology Speed Module Bandwidth SDR PC100 0.8 GB/sec SDR PC133 1.0 GB/sec DDR PC1600 1.6 GB/sec DDR PC2100 2.1 GB/sec DDR PC2700 2.7 GB/sec DDR PC3200 3.2 GB/sec DDR PC4000 4.0GB/sec DDR2 PC2-3200 3.2GB/sec DDR2 PC2-4200 4.2GB/sec DDR2 PC2-5300 5.3GB/sec DDR2 PC2-6400 6.4GB/sec Source: See /memorytype.aspmodel=&memtype=CHOOSE The costs of the

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Biofuel Synthesis Project Proposals Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Biofuel Synthesis Project Proposals - Essay Example As a means of ensuring objective adoption of green energy like biodiesel, education stakeholders have decided to integrate concepts of biofuel in college and university curriculum (Tuohy and Saddler 28). Currently, concepts of biofuel in learning institutions are delivered to students through both theoretical and practical lessons. This means that chemistry students will not only learn about the theoretical construct of biofuel production, but they will also conduct small scale practical projects within a laboratory setting. Therefore, this proposal extrapolates on the necessary aspects of chemical synthesis meant to facilitate actual production of biodiesel within a learning environment. The main objective of this project is to simulate a real production process used in synthesis of market biodiesel. The entire experiment will operate within the boundaries placed by material and equipment constrains. This means that procedures used may fail to totally emulate typical steps employed in commercial production of biodiesel. However, one goal of the project is to synthesize small quantity of a biodiesel from available raw materials, and test whether the final product possesses required characteristics of biodiesel. This experiment will not only enable students to apply theoretical knowledge that they have acquired in class, but will also transform theoretical fantasies and create a sense of realistic accomplishment in chemistry. Apart from establishing a discrete link between theoretical and practical concepts, this experiment also aims at promoting individual participation in group work. In addition, strict adherence to all synthesis steps helps students in learning abo ut procedural execution of laboratory processes. In order to optimize the synthesis process and ensure production of quality biodiesel, this experiment will be conducted in a strategic and procedural manner. The first strategy involves establishing harmony between materials and equipment available

Monday, September 9, 2019

Medical Negligence and Malpractice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Medical Negligence and Malpractice - Essay Example Personal cases of medical professionals will also be discussed where they reveal the true face of pharmaceutical industry in addition to the existing laws against such practice. Finally suggestions and recommendations will be made to effectively handle such problems. According to the Canadian Bar Association (2010), Medical professionals are under strict legal binding to provide their patients with the best care and treatment possible. Rule no. 3A of Medical Duty states that it is a duty of any medical professional as he/she legally owes proper care to the patient (Khan, et al 2002, p.71). They may completely refuse to undertake any given case due to any reason, personal or other. Once they accept any patient, they are bound to providing proper medical treatment. As Keir et al (2007, p.33), providing detailed and the best possible care to their patients is what actually constitutes proper and efficient practice of medicine. If in case the professional fails to deliver the kind of ser vice that would be given in any normal circumstances then it is referred to as Medical Negligence (Barnes, 2001, p.113). In such a case, if the patient suffers an injury due to the doctor’s negligence of medical professional, then the patient reserves the right to sue the medical professional against medical malpractice (Bardale 2011, p.23) In the recent times of capitalism, pharmacies are also not left behind in the rat race of increasing profits (Gad, 2009, 04). Following table gives the evidence Table: Top 25 Drug Companies by Sale (2006) According to Rat h (2003, p.50), pharmaceutical industry is now striving to driving its forces to increase the sale of its product rather than achieving its main motive of curing the diseases in the world. The ultimate aim to innovate new medicines is only to relieve symptoms of any disease, not to eradicate it. Eradicating and eliminating any disease through thoughtful research in the field of medicine would mean destroying the chance to earn millions of dollars in form of prescriptions. For this purpose, new breakthrough and advancement in the field of curing any disease are suppressed and do not get the kind of attention it deserves. This suppression is the reason why many fatal diseases are still incurable. In order to boost sales, pharmaceutical companies are deliberately holding back information which the public has every right to know like the common side effects and risks to other organs of the body.(Company, 2002, p. 326) The real face of drug companies (Luisa, 2011) shares the experiences of Gwen Olsen, who used to belong the same industry. Gwen states the frightening and alarming truth about this industry which has become extremely corrupt, running only after the financial gain rather than medicating its patients. Olsen (2009, p. 09) even states that as a Medical Sales Representative, she was trained by the company to give misinformation to doctors and medical professionals about the medicines her company produced. It has just become a game of money where disease seasons are awaited and KPIs matter more than empathy towards curing their patients. Agell (2004) talks about her personal experience with the viciousness of pharmaceutical industry. She had the honor of spending about twenty years of her life for â€Å"

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Property law exam questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Property law exam questions - Essay Example Garcia and other persons or entities that may later on claims interest on the property. By virtue of its nature, an annotation on the Torrens Title is indefeasible. Where there is clear showing that the property is held under the Torrens Title, the argument in Garcia shall not be applicable. Reliance on the mortgage and guarantee executed over the couple’s home as evidence by the annotation in the Torrens Title is enough to bind the couple and other interested persons. a. My advice to Ms. Tomasina Jones is to seek redress in court based on the argument of prior right over the property and the fact that it was sold without her consent and authority. She can file a case against Ms. Thompson for fraud and recovery of property. Since Ms. Esther Asterix have not registered the sale and could not be held the absolute owner thereof thus Ms. Jones can claim prior right. Furthermore, since Ms. Thompson unduly enriched herself on the expense of Ms. Asterix, she shall be liable to return the money to Ms. Asterix plus damages. To best understand how the case metamorphosed, let us go back to the facts. Ms. Jones is a holder in fee simple where she has all the rights towards the property. In the case at bar, she employed Thomson Thompson to manage the far in her absence. Unfortunately, Ms. Thompson found the certificate of title concealed in an old Tim Tam Indulgence tin and used the same to sell the land to Esther Asterix. Ms. Asterix paid the valuation on a walk-in-walk-out basis, which is valid under the Conveyancing Act 1919. At the time of the sale Ms. Asterix have no idea that Ms. Thompson was not really the true owner of the property, making her a purchaser in good faith2 under Section 29B of the Conveyancing Act 1919. Under this section, â€Å"an instrument purporting to exercise a legal or equitable power of appointment over property, which, in